
Active Member
Hi All,

We have just moved to near Banbury and looking on Trailwise2 there is nothing around where we are and over the border into Northampton everything looks like it has been closed. Is there anything local that is worth a go that I might have missed (whilst still keeping the paint on the landy!)?

I am trying to get my partner some off road experience, she wont do the pay and play days because in her head she has decided she can't do them and doesn't want people to watch her - I tried to explain that its a friendly crowd and most people don't care or judge, but she is not having any of it! We drove around one of my quarries the other day before heading off to LRO Show and she enjoyed that, so I am thinking of just rough gravel / 'not off road but not on road' sort of thing if you get my drift?

Would heading to the Lake District / Northumberland be a good plan? In my head and from photos I have seen in magazines there seems to be quite a few nice rough gravel paths - nothing too arduous, just a nice days driving.

Wrong direction I know however there are some lanes I have used down to the west of Abingdon and slightly further south towards Wantage. Some are as you described 'not off road but not on road'. Just found them using OS mapping...

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