
Can anyone help me out, i had to disconnect my battery today and i dont have the radio code and i paid for software on the net that said it was landrover but it has everything but alpine codes, does anyone know to get my code please
Do we look like fooking clairvoyants?? How the Fook is anyone supposed to know what code was entered into your radio before it left the factory???? go to a Main dealer get them to unlock it.
I once phoned a main dealer for Volvo and they gave the code over the phone, after I'd given them a little info form the V5 etc. Sorry, that was for a Volvo, try phoning a main dealer as Hyenaman, diplomatic as ever, suggests. :)
Starting multiple threads to indicate urgency, is a little annoying and is considered a forum no-no (not just on here but pretty much all forums on the 'net)....

Try sticking to just one thread per topic!!
Sorry guys didn't mean to affend yous, & never meant to double post (wont happen again), I'm just going away on tuesday & I'm in urgent need & was advised that the main dealer would take ages for me to send the info & receive it back, I'm new to all this thread stuff, Ive never used them before,
Also Redhand DICKHEAD have you had a couple of tins n think your great, I was hoping that someone had used some sort of sowtware that they could pass on to me to save me from calling the dealer, give your gob a wipe it stinks like your arse hole.
Also Redhand DICKHEAD have you had a couple of tins n think your great, I was hoping that someone had used some sort of sowtware that they could pass on to me to save me from calling the dealer, give your gob a wipe it stinks like your arse hole.

I'm offended that you would accuse me of DRINKING FFS!!! What a presumptious w*nker you have turned out to be.. :rolleyes:
Your a builder with a disco what the fook do you know what i want in the rangerover section, all i was hoping for was a bit of help but your snotty reply & no constructive critism shows me what a useless ****er you, dont answer any of my querries in the future your just a waiste mate
Your a builder with a disco what the fook do you know what i want in the rangerover section, all i was hoping for was a bit of help but your snotty reply & no constructive critism shows me what a useless ****er you, dont answer any of my querries in the future your just a waiste mate

When did Accy die and make you Admin?? AS far as I'm aware only MOds and Admin decide who can and can't post on this forum. SO go & do a Poop on ya bonnet, Tosspot.
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When did Accy die and make you Admin?? AS far as I'm aware only MOds and Admin decide who can and can't post on this forum. SO Do and Poop on ya bonnet, Tosspot.
Accy's dead!!:eek: quick , grab the silverware and leg it!:D

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