
Active Member
On the way to Chatham yesterday, red ignition light came on. Batteries not charging. Managed to get back and now rather glum at prospect of buying another 24V alternator.

In another post I heaped much praise on the 24V FFR system for its reliability.


1) Does anyone repair the 24V alternators fitted to Land Rovers. I tried Lucas a few years ago and they must have thought I owned a diamond mine with the rates quoted.
2) Does anyone repair the voltage regulator boxes?

Now might be the time to convert to 12V.
if you have the ratings(which i suspect you have0 go to a commercial vehicle parts place and ask them if they have a 24v alternator with those ratings ;)
Don't write off the Alternator just yet. Over Easter my Lightweight FFR stopped charging and I was over 1000 miles from home. Managed to get it into an auto electrician in the nearest town who admitted he didn't have a clue where to look. Fortunately I was abe to get my son to scan and e-mail the relevant chapters from the manual and the wiring diagrams. Armed with these the electrician found the fault within an hour. It was a bad earth. Don't know if the other FFRs are the same but the -ve inside the regulator box is actually earthed in the junction box on the other side of the vehicle. All pretty obscure and without the wiring diagram and a good electrician I could have been stuck for days.
I have two FFR airportables and the only other minor electrical problems I have had have been traced to poor or broken earthing wires.

There's a place near me called "Power Rewinds" and they repair stuff like this. If the price of repair seems too steep couldn't you nick another alternator from a lorry/van? Then again: you always see a few 24v alternators for sale at Beltring (which is less than 2 weeks away now).
They can be rebuilt at various places... phone around some starter/alternator places and see if they will rebuild it... tell them its for a Landrover, if they think its from a truck they will assume commercial and charge more...

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