
Hi all

About to pick up my first D2 TD5, and from what i understand its had quite a few modifications to it!

Having owned two standard Discovery 1 Tdi i have a real love for this shape and im hoping with the D2 theres a slightly less agricultural feel (no offence D1 owners - theres a huge charm to it).

Reason i went for a modified one is that most of the mods done were things i would have looked to do myself anyway.

My main aim is to fully understand what/how the D2 has had modified on it, and give it a once over; myself if i can, otherwise i may have to find a good specialist/tuner.

I'm looking to reach out to anyone who can share experiences of TD5inside remaps, turbo box, CR Hybrid turbos etc, and help me understand where i should start in making sure my engine is running at its best and the combo of components ive got is optimal and not missing something

Many thanks
Haha - thanks both - just navigating my way round the forum to see if there’s already information I can find before asking questions! And most importantly finding the right thread
Hi and welcome!

I’ve had both a D1 and D2. I preferred the D1 but that was just personal preference. I’d have another if it wasn’t for the rust issue! Let us know how you get on with the new Landy.
Welcome to the forum

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