
Well-Known Member
Copied this from my veg forum-might save someone some grief

Urgent warning for wiltshire/gloucestershire owners

Hi all, went into B&Q today for some small bore poly pipe and when I came out I found 3 young Guys standing around my Disco. As I approached the old girl one of them asked me if I wanted to sell it. I stated No but he insisted I consider selling it as he thought my Land Rover was "lush".

I told him I was not interested in selling, got into the car and drove out of the car park. I noticed a white transit behind me and realised it was these fella's. They went the same way as me and so I got suspicious. I then darted through some back roads totally irrelevant to my journey home, and they stayed with me. It was obvious at this point they were following me and that this was not sheer coincidence.

I then drove out of town and headed down the A4361 past Wroughton. Knowing there is a track a few miles out of town that they could not possibly follow me up, I turned off the road and into the track...this soon lost the ******s as there transit stood no chance.

I returned to town and reported the incident to the Police who said they would "circulate the vehicle details and ascertain the intentions of the occupants" Is it me or is that a euphemism for "They haven't actually committed a crime so we can't and won't waste our time"??

Anyway..the all important information.

Van: Ford Transit : Reg No: T281 VAV: Colour...White.
The van was scruffy and had a full height bulkhead and a tow bar on the rear (saw that in the car park)

Driver: About 22 - 28 years: Dark Brown Hair, shoulder length and scruffy. Torn grease covered jeans and a Brown T-Shirt without a logo. About 5ft 10" tall and I would hazard around the 11-12st mark.

Scrote 1: Similar age range. About 5ft 5" tall, light build and skinny, but muscular. cropped brown hair. Grease covered dirty combats and a CAT blue polo shirt.

Scrote 2: About 19-25years. 5ft 7 - 9 " Tall. Blond Hair, wavy and scruffy shoulder length. Flattened nose and scar on the right cheek that looks like he's been bottled or glassed at some point. Black Jeans and a White T-Shirt.

All three were clearly of Irish decent.

Now it is possible they have other vehicles, but I would suggest everyone be extra vigilant for a while in case these self gratifiers are on the prowl for someone's Landy.

If you know people with Landy's who do not come here please warn them and any ladies, be very wary if these Guys are hanging about your vehicle. I would strongly suggest that any older people or Ladies..or anyone concerned for that matter, simply contact the Police on 999 if you find people acting suspiciously around your vehicle.

Anyone who is members of other forums or clubs in the region, please feel free to paste this information for all to see
we had "them type" down here last year, stole everything and left a great ****in mess, beware!

1st they try to sell you all the stuff they nicked from the last town, then they nick all the stuff from your town and move on.

Also they seemed to target the more remote places (quite often farms) stole quads and generators etc and moved on to sell em on in the town, someone i know bought a generator and it turned out they had put a different sticker over the proper one to pretend it double the power output. We've had them selling carpets saying they are one size but really they are smaller and crap.

Basically very dodgy untrustworthy scrotes who are out to get whatever thay can for themselves, beware.
Don't even entertain anyone with a pikey accent.

And watch out for high sided transit pickups in general, they're very impractical so hardly anyone buys them with the double height side boards, but pikeys choose them 100% cos the police/anyone can't see what they're carrying in the back.

And they try to be so nice aswell!
As in don't entertain them - dont go along with their stories, don't answer their questions, etc etc.

Not entertain like "an englishman, an irishman and a scotsman went into a bar..."
Good post guys, we've had a few dodgy looking folks around here lately. this info will be passed on to guys and lasses.Thanks again.[whoops for the edit].
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Are you feckin stupid or a feckin pikey.

Don't entertain those pikey fookers thats what it means

Oh bless...the gibbons come out of his box! I wasn't aware that all pikeys had the same it like all dodgey motor dealers have a pork pie hat? Please enlighten me as you are so wise..wise old gibbon. I want to **** know that don't you?
Oh bless...the gibbons come out of his box! I wasn't aware that all pikeys had the same it like all dodgey motor dealers have a pork pie hat? Please enlighten me as you are so wise..wise old gibbon. I want to **** know that don't you?

Hey, grow up and take head of the advice given.
What a complete and utter plonker......
Copied this from my veg forum-might save someone some grief

Urgent warning for wiltshire/gloucestershire owners

Hi all, went into B&Q today for some small bore poly pipe and when I came out I found 3 young Guys standing around my Disco. As I approached the old girl one of them asked me if I wanted to sell it. I stated No but he insisted I consider selling it as he thought my Land Rover was "lush".

I told him I was not interested in selling, got into the car and drove out of the car park. I noticed a white transit behind me and realised it was these fella's. They went the same way as me and so I got suspicious. I then darted through some back roads totally irrelevant to my journey home, and they stayed with me. It was obvious at this point they were following me and that this was not sheer coincidence.

I then drove out of town and headed down the A4361 past Wroughton. Knowing there is a track a few miles out of town that they could not possibly follow me up, I turned off the road and into the track...this soon lost the ******s as there transit stood no chance.

I returned to town and reported the incident to the Police who said they would "circulate the vehicle details and ascertain the intentions of the occupants" Is it me or is that a euphemism for "They haven't actually committed a crime so we can't and won't waste our time"??

Anyway..the all important information.

Van: Ford Transit : Reg No: T281 VAV: Colour...White.
The van was scruffy and had a full height bulkhead and a tow bar on the rear (saw that in the car park)

Driver: About 22 - 28 years: Dark Brown Hair, shoulder length and scruffy. Torn grease covered jeans and a Brown T-Shirt without a logo. About 5ft 10" tall and I would hazard around the 11-12st mark.

Scrote 1: Similar age range. About 5ft 5" tall, light build and skinny, but muscular. cropped brown hair. Grease covered dirty combats and a CAT blue polo shirt.

Scrote 2: About 19-25years. 5ft 7 - 9 " Tall. Blond Hair, wavy and scruffy shoulder length. Flattened nose and scar on the right cheek that looks like he's been bottled or glassed at some point. Black Jeans and a White T-Shirt.

All three were clearly of Irish decent.

Now it is possible they have other vehicles, but I would suggest everyone be extra vigilant for a while in case these self gratifiers are on the prowl for someone's Landy.

If you know people with Landy's who do not come here please warn them and any ladies, be very wary if these Guys are hanging about your vehicle. I would strongly suggest that any older people or Ladies..or anyone concerned for that matter, simply contact the Police on 999 if you find people acting suspiciously around your vehicle.

Anyone who is members of other forums or clubs in the region, please feel free to paste this information for all to see

Damn good post, will be passed on. Ignore the fool with the ignorant comments, he's a bit special......;)

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