
New Member
I could not find the solution to my problem with help of the german forum and hope somebody here can help.

Since I bought my new Freelander 2.0DI, (1999) 4 weeks ago, it was announcing a low remote control battery with a little beep on opening the drivers door.
On Friday the remote control battery must have been finally flat, which was announced by 10 times a double peep and double blink of the LED. The Alarm got triggered 5 times during the intents to start the car.
I got the battery of my old Freelander which still has 3.07V. I sincronized the remote control with the CCU. Now the double peep and blink is gone. Also the Alarm is not triggered.
But the car is NOT starting. A relais is clicking when turning the key, but the starter is not turning.

I tried to:
* Introduce a wrong EKA, but the car is not announcing it with sounding the horn after a wrong EKA intent, as it should. (I did not get the security card when buying the car and the next Land Rover workshop is 4 hours away)
* Disconnect the car-battery during one night.

Any other idea what I could try?

Greetings from Spain
Hi, a mate of mine used to have problems somtimes he would turn the key and nothing and others it started first time turned out to be a loose connection on the starter motor , could be just a coincidence that it started when you renewed fob battery worth a look .
Try giving the starter motor a gentle few taps, but not when anything is moving. Be careful where you put your hands/fingers.
Thanks for the support. Seems you are pointing out in the right direction. But still not on the point.
Was able to start the car with a cable from the battery directly to the starter. But the original cable to the starter is not getting voltage when trying to start.
So its not about the immobilizer not the battery.
Will keep on measuring. Is the starter relais on the fixed to the battery support, or where to find it?

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