
Active Member
Evening all,

A few years back I bought a tracking device off FleaBay and lo and behold just this week got round to fitting it. Nice bit of kit which will tell me where the car is when I ring it. It also has a feed via a relay so I can cut the power to something which will stop the car. The obvious item being the fuel pump.

I can tell it to cut the power immediately or when the speed is below 20kph. This makes sense as I don't want to cause a pile-up by cutting fuel to the engine when the car is bombing along a motorway, no power steering, no brakes etc.

What I want to know is would cutting the power to the fuel pump be a sensible thing to do for the car or does anyone have another clever idea. I'm assuming if you cut power to the pump on re-start I'd have to go through the bleeding process, is that likely? Does the inertia switch cut power to the fuel pump?

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

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