
New Member
Hi all, just recently joined the landy club, and bought a disco a couple days ago.

I've come across a problem, and I have no idea how to sort it! I'm not very mechanically minded, so please bear with me!

So basically, I went to start my car earlier, and my hazard lights were flashing, and my car wouldn't start. Every time I went to start the car, the hazards would just flash again.

So after about 10 mins of screwing, I got out, and locked and unlocked my door several times, and finally it started! Which is why I'm guessing, it's maybe an immobiliser issue.
Weird thing is, whilst my indicators were flashing, there was no alarm or anything.

I've also noticed my car doesn't have central locking, or maybe it's just broke?
I don't have an electric fob, i just have a plain key, and two spares that look like house keys!

Becomes tedious very quickly having to lock and unlock each door manually, so any ideas on that one too? Oh and passenger side door, when I push lock down on inside, and shut the door, it unlocks itself.

A lot of problems, I know, and I know I'm a newb here, so please bear with my ****ty explanations

Thanks in advance! :)

Oh, btw I have a 300tdi from 1994, if that's any help?
If the engine didn't crank then it's immobilised, maybe the hazards flashing is an alarm condition, would it be possible that the sounder has been disconnected?.

If u remove the drivers door card you will find two micro switches one operates the central locking the other sets/unsets the immobiliser function at the rear of the lock, maybe there is an issue with them, there is a plastic operating cam that can break..
" locked and unlocked my door several times" indicates that u 'may' have an iffy micro switch so worth a look.
Another possible cause is an iffy crash sensor, this device unlocks the doors and turns the hazards on. On my 300tdi its under the dash passenger side, my wife kicked it when taking a wellie off.......to reset it one has to lock the car, unlock it, turn key in ignition etc but it took me a few goes doing that before the right sequence made the hazards go off.
Thanks, I'll whip my door card off tomorrow to check that out! :)

How would I know, if the sounder has been disconnected? (Sorry I'm not very mechanically minded!)

How much is it these days to have new central locking fitted throughout, including a fob?

Kiwi, thinking about what you just said, when they were flashing, I could hear a ticking sound from in the passenger footwell. But, this has happened twice now, and I haven't hit any hard bumps yet?
Yeh, looked at the guide, too complicated for me! :(

Don't worry, that's the wrong info for your disco. You have a active immobilising system, with the 1996MY D1 onwards it's passive so the vehicle is fitted with a so called "spider"
Ok, so i took the panel off... is any of this what i'm supposed to be looking at? lol I have no idea what any of those wires are either! :eek:





Ok, quick update, before I go to work, I connected the two loose wires, in picture 2,to that plug thing, in picture 3, and so far so good. When I unlock the car, the indicators flash once, and no problems. For now anyway!

Would that have fixed it or have I knocked something by accident, and that's fixed it? Lol

So my next thing to sort out, will be central locking. Does this car have it, or do I have to buy a new system?
I also noticed, in that last picture, there is a black wire that is snapped in half, so not connected, anyone know what that's for? I haven't connected it back up atm.
Black wires would be an earth it usually is, also do I see a blue cable joint was that the break?
You have central locking u can see the lock actuator in pic 1.

None of your pics show the micro switches behind the lock barrel.
Sorry, i'm a little confused! Haha!

So if i have a lock actuator, why doesn't my central locking work? (I don't have a fob btw)

And by blue cable joint, do you mean the blue cable in pic 2? As i connected that to the thing in pic 3. lol.

And behind the lock barrel? all i seen behind that were like metal sticks, that work the mechanism to the actuator?

Please excuse my layman terms!
Sorry, i'm a little confused! Haha!

So if i have a lock actuator, why doesn't my central locking work? (I don't have a fob btw)

And by blue cable joint, do you mean the blue cable in pic 2? As i connected that to the thing in pic 3. lol.

And behind the lock barrel? all i seen behind that were like metal sticks, that work the mechanism to the actuator?

Please excuse my layman terms!

The item that was blue in pic 4 look like a crimped cable joint, to me.

The central locking should work via the key in the drivers door, if u had a fob that would give u the remote function.
Why your central locking doesn't work who knows, blown fuse or a broken wire or a faulty switch, it's a very simple system but if u can't find out what's wrong using a multimeter and following a wiring diagram I suggest that you get someone that's familiar with auto electrics to check it over.
I have CL on a fob, and when im laning iv had it happen a few times, the car starts flashing indicators and a ticking from the passenger footwell when iv hit a bump hard, i have to stop, turn off, lock, unlock, and start up to stop the flashing

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