
New Member
hi folks first i wanna say thanks to everyone who gave advice on my last few problems you lot are without doubt the most informative and helpful group of people ive met on the net and have made the problems ive had since owning my rangie much easier to deal with..........right then, today i went to the local asda to grab a few things, got out the motor and locked it with the remote, on the way back i realised id forgotten something so i stopped at the local shop, again locked it with remote, came out and now it wont open with remote, opened with key but now the immobiliser wont turn off so my cars stuck there. checked the battery on the car aqnd the fob, andf then tried to do the EKA process but nothing. any help or advice, as always , is appreciated
dont know if i was doing the EKA process right because it says that for every turn the sidelights should flash but couldnt get them to !!!!!!
Have you replaced your RF receiver? It sounds like your RR still has the old defective RF receiver on the car (original part number AFR1953). Regardless of what other issues your experiencing, most of which can be explained by this part not operating correctly.

I have mentioned this on several threads now and you have to understand that even when your RR is on a testbook, your RF receiver will never show up as being faulty and need replacing. Thats because its not faulty just defective. You need to be as a P38 owner proactive and seek this part to be replaced by your specialist or offical dealer and replaced with part number: YWY500170. This will transform the reliability of your RR.

In 2004 LR officially recognised that the P38's RF receiver wasnt working correctly and was effected by spurious RF signals ranging from CCTV systems at train/shopping malls, airports etc car parks to garage door openers and even as stupid as weather stations.

These spurious RF signals will wake up your BECM and drain your battery and also create so much problems that you will be locked out and you will need to be flat trucked back to a dealer.
Mine done the same at the local Halfords other day...
To enter EKA code:-
Insert Key.Turn to lock position 4 times......
Turn key to unlock (front of car) the number of times to enter the first didgit of your code.....
Turn key to lock the number of times to enter 2nd didgit of code....
Turn key to unlock the number of times to enter 3rd didgit of code....
Turn key to lock the number of times to enter 4th didgit of code....
Finally turn key to unlock position....

Your in car,,and it "SHOULD" now start....
Once home mine did the same again" Engine inmmobilised" But tried re-synching the key first and this worked,never had to go through the EKA again
To re-sync key:-
Put key in lock and turn and hold in LOCK position......
Whilst in lock position press the "UNLOCK" on keyfob.....
Release "UNLOCK" button and turn key to "UNLOCK" position and hold..
Whilst in unlock position press the "LOCK" on keyfob...
Release button and remove key......
This should re-sync key...............
Hope this is some help.....Sorry if you already know this,im not trying to teach you anything you already know...
Cheers , n good luck!
If your RF receiver hasnt been changed that proceedure doesnt work on occasion. I know, I was stranded with LR on the phone walking me through the proceedure and then the RAC tried aswell.

As soon as I replaced teh RF receiver with the new part (YWY500170), all of a sudden it works like a dream.
Mine did the same at local Tesco store but I had no idea what the EKA code was or what to do with it. Got flat bed home and had to go to local dealers with the log book and they printed the info off for me without charge and it even had the radio code on the sheet. This is a very important lesson learned i.e make sure you have the EKA code when you buy the car :eek:

Check my thread "What a day".
Mine wouldnt lock on the fob, or accept EKA code. Whilst in Brum. Had to be recovered back to Leeds.
Part way back we tried the EKA code again at a motorway services this time it accpted it, but wouldnt immobilise the engine, and wouldnt re-synch. By the time we got back to LR they locked and unlocked the car a number of times on the key, untill all the doors would lock and un-lock centrally on the key, then re-synched the key, and all worked again.
I think its the RF problem that Adamforman talks about.
dont understand why the EKA code didnt work.
is this replacement rf something I could fit myself, or does the range have to go on to test afterwwards.

Where is the rf located?

I am hearing conflicting info about this and am unsure what to do.
no problems yet, but am reluctant to park up anywhere untill sorted.
is this replacement rf something I could fit myself, or does the range have to go on to test afterwwards.

Where is the rf located?

I am hearing conflicting info about this and am unsure what to do.
no problems yet, but am reluctant to park up anywhere untill sorted.

I got mine replaced by my official local LR dealer. My friend who is a LR engineer said he could fit it in 15-20mins....so its sounds like its not easy to get to or straight forward as say accessing your battery for example.

I'm unsure exactly where it is on the car but I'm sure other here maybe able to tell you. I don’t have a P38A RR car manual....which I should buy really.

The part will cost you about £140 plus labour. I was lucky as I complained about the fact the part was manufactured two years after the last P38 rolled off the production line and was replaced a further two times as a direct result of the RF being defective and that all P38 warrranty's would have not covered the part, they fitted the part for free and only charged me the cost of the part only. Try it, you may get lucky!

As I said, only on the 3rd and final attempt LR/BMW got it right and the new RF receiver (YWY500170) finally works as it should.
The rf receiver is by the right hand rear window under the parcel shelf trim by the button for lowering the bac seat. It is so easy to fit it only took me 10 minutes start to finish.
First lower the back of the right hand back seat, then remove the scew by the seat catch and the small plastic clips along where the parcel shelf fits ( i think theres 3), then lift the plastic trim up and away from the window. The RF receiver is by the button for the seat, it is held in by 1 pozidrive screw, remove this and the 3 wires. Reverse all this to refit but make shure the trim fits back into the clips along the window properly or it will rattle.
(I had new central heating fitted with remote thermostat, 1 week later flat battery)
Hope this helps
New RF Receiver arrived today! Going to fit it on Friday. Looking at the directions to fit above looks straight forward...(I have already disconnected the old one anyway to stop the battery draining).
After fitting the new one is that all there is to it or do you have to reset anything or disconnect battery and re-connect at all (to reset immobiliser/alarm feature?)
New RF Receiver arrived today! Going to fit it on Friday. Looking at the directions to fit above looks straight forward...(I have already disconnected the old one anyway to stop the battery draining).
After fitting the new one is that all there is to it or do you have to reset anything or disconnect battery and re-connect at all (to reset immobiliser/alarm feature?)

To be honest, I have no idea what effect it makes if you take off the part when the battery is disconnected, part removed and replaced and battery reconnected afterwards.

For peace of mind, I gave it to my local independent RR dealer to do....being SUPER locked out isn't particularly funny and can be mighty costly if it happens!

Plus if that happened the wife would have quite literally ripped my testicles from my body.....especially when it happened to her when at the local town car park doing some shopping...
It doesn`t make any diffrence if it is disconnected, mine was off for a month in total, just means you have to lock it with the key and there is no alarm. When you reconnect the new one thats it, no setting up or codes just plug and play.
All the best
could you put a rf reciever on from another range rover to try or are they ordered pacifically to your car?

No they arent coded to your car, just make sure you buy the lastest version which is YWY500170. There are 3 version out. The original ARF1953 a second YWY500010 which still had issues and finally the YWY500170.

Do not buy a 2nd hand one, there are no external part numbers on it.
DON'T get LR to fit it, its a very easy job, youll just waist your £££ its a DIY job, you don't have to disconnect the battery, the RF receiver is in the side panel, look at the side window, and you will see it has wires in built (it your radio antenna) on the drivers side, its situated in the panel on the shelf and just follow the instructions ^^^^ gave you, its a plug you just swap the parts over and plug them in again, simples
Mine done the same at the local Halfords other day...
To enter EKA code:-
Insert Key.Turn to lock position 4 times......

Have you ever read something on this forum and thought DOH! So long since I've had to do it I forgot one simple step......what a tw*t!!!!! :-(
holy thread necro.

Also, I've never started with the "4 turns to lock" thing.

On your car you may find it works better if you do. EKA entry method changed for 1998. Until 1997 it was a different procedure.

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