
Well-Known Member
After driving around 12 miles in the 1972 petrol series 3 it seems to have developed a slightly disturbing metallic grinding noise (not that loud) whilst not touching the accelerator, not an issue whilst in a higher gear, and it didn't make it whilst driving home from another short drive away. something to be concerned about, or is it the sign on immanent disaster?

yes that might just do, i omitted to write that i am a mechanical numpty that drives things until there is a problem - not the best way obviously

Thank you
It might be the clutch release bearing on its way...mine used to rattle and I was told it would soon die. It lasted over 20k miles before I got round to changing the clutch though.
Thanks for that, i suspect it could be the oil level - never topped it up, changed or even check it, crawling under it today suggests it could have been a slow leak from somewhere, will investigate properly when my mate's ramp is available.

There's not a lot to investigate. Just poo the drain plug and see what comes out. Take out the filler plug as well. You'll probably get vile sludge. Just assume to change the oil and buy the EP90. You don't need a ramp, the landy needs to be on the flat to properly drain. If you're doing the transfer box it takes a lot more oil.
I need to lift landy off the ground - its a proper car lift so it will be on the flat it will let me stand up to do required work (my back is knackered) - is EP80W-90 the same stuff - as that's what i have.

I need to lift landy off the ground - its a proper car lift so it will be on the flat it will let me stand up to do required work (my back is knackered) - is EP80W-90 the same stuff - as that's what i have.


That's the stuff. I'd get the grease gun around your prop shaft yolk nipples too. It's possible you have a UJ breaking up if maintenance hasn't been kept up with.
Thanks for that, i have copied and laminated the useful page in the Haynes manual on what and where to lubricate so even a mupput like me should be able to follow it

well the gear box was low but not empty and what was in was the same as what i put in! topped up most levels and lubricated most points that i could. was impossible to get the swivel housing plugs out though, does it require a special tool or has it just not been opened in 44 years. thanks
Hope you used gl4 ep90 and not the gl5 as the gl5 is supposed to corrode the phosphor bronze bits in the gear box. Not too sure how true that is though.
Early in my ownership I replaced all the screws etc holding the passenger floor down. Removing that (5-10 min) lets me fill the gearbox from above - much easier than lying in a puddle squeezing a long-necked filler.
You can reach the main box filler hole via the central cover using an extended tube from the gear oil tub. It's the transfer box that is awkward. Matt? As posted it could also be the clutch thrust bearing.
my mate has a good vehicle lift on the farm so getting to those points isn't a major issue, probably only done 100 miles since i topped them all up but initial noises have gone. Bet you are right about the clutch thrust bearing....

used GL5 unfortunately so we will see if you are right!

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