
New Member
As per title, ive found this pic on the internet, and i really want to do it to my discovery! What do people think? Looks pretty ideal for off roading.


Just kidding, WHAT THE F**KING HELL WERE THEY THINKING! I mean i like low cars (get out your pitchforks), but this looks retarded.
While im on the subject of low land rovers lol


Series 1 owners... Try not to have a heart attack
RE the Disco - Drugs - just say no, otherwise this happens...

Seriously though, by what stretch of whose imagination does that look good?
It just looks downright retarded. Simple as.
if you have a disco 2 it will do this at the back as and when it feels like it.
that aside yeah looks cool go for it
I've seen that Series before, I believe some woman owns it, it has Beetle running gear.....bla bla bla.:rolleyes:
im kinda liking the look of the disco sumert differnt on the scene :)
be better if it was a td5 and not a 300 tho :)
Really can't understand why people want to slam their cars, whatever they are .. Do that round here and you'd only be able to go in a circle 'cos all the feckin' roads have speed bumps on 'em .. ;)

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