New Member
My Range Rover idling like a tractor the other day so I thought since I just got it for Xmas, it may have been a long time since anyone changed the oil. I decided to go ahead and change the oil. I dont usually do that but i was told it was not difficult. I used Mobile 1 synthentic oil like I was reccomended.

Anyway I drain the oil and noticed it was extremely dark and even after 10 minutes of draining, it was still coming out. I decided to go ahead and flush it to make sure all the bad oil got out. I hooked up the hose, ran water through the engine, started it up and was waiting for the water to come out clean

The engine never went above idle so I was told this would be ok. Anyway, About 3 minutes into this, then engine starts shaking and shuts off. I figured it was all cleaned out so I plugged it up, added the oil and I was ready to go. WRONG! The damn thing won't start now. These range rovers are not as reliable as i was told. looks like another trip to the dealer.
I'm sick of them.
erm... you ran water through the OIL system of the engine? Erm...

Designed to LUBRICATE fast moving parts... tickover is still around 1000RPM, thats 16 revolutions PER SECOND, with 4 firing stroke PER REVOLUTION. so all the bearing shells, piston liners (im assuming a V8, so on an ALuminium engine) bearings etc have been run on water. Which, by the way, doesn't flush oil, it emulsifies into a jelly like subtance.

So, not only have you run it with no oil in it, cos the pickup to pump it round the engine needs a certain amount of oil before it canpick anything up, you've put water into it, which will have corroded the aluminium block, and probably detroyed any load bearing surface it comes into.

Who told you to put water into it?

If you are lucky then something minor has happened, but im afraid i fear you've screwed it.

Whts it doing when you try to start it? Is it turning over at all? Or just not firing?
By the way, welcome to LZ. I have a feeling that a lot of the responses you get to this won't be quite as friendly as mine. :(
Oh yeah, and rough running is highly unlikely to be caused by old oil. Its probably things like spark plug gaps, or either poor carburation if its an older V8 or the EFi system being gunged up from standing if its EFi.
this sounds amazingly similar to a story i read on a yank forum about a guy who did the same to his mustang or something of that variety......coincidence or copy and change names to protect the innocent??

if you have flushed the engine with water, then god knows what state it will be in internally, and who told you to do that?
Hi - and :welcome: to Looneyzone.

What year Rangie have you got and what injun did you have?

I hope you have a thick skin - i fear you have just learned an expensive lesson in engine operation.

Oh yeah, and rough running is highly unlikely to be caused by old oil.
- but WILL be caused by NO oil.

This int a wind-up from .......... is it? :bolt:
Usuall questions coming now...

Where does this mechanic work?
Where abouts are you based, someone may be near enough/willing if you ask VERY nicely to help
As above, what engine you got?

I mean, ****inhell... you've made TREWY speechless!
Oh yeah, cold engine oil could very easily take 10 mins + to drain, its very thick and theres quiet a lot of it. And, It will be dark, unless its very new.
I am starting to think this is a wind up .. in which case a laugh for us all....

if it isn't a wind up then please please please... save your pennies and take it to a professional... you need to know some very basic things before you hold a spanner that you don't know... not a problem in itself just means you are gonna need to get the car (without driving it) to someone who does...

if it was me and I had been very very drunk / high on drugs / asleep when I managed to mix oil and water I might try and fill it with good oil, run it warm and then fling a pint of poetrol in the oil to see if that cleaned the rubbish out.. then clean oil again, a flush with a proprietary product and clean oil again.. at which point I might feel it was safe to drive it and see how much damage had been done....
Am I correct in assuming...

You drained the oil cold (as Boydy hinted)?
The mechanic only suggested "flushing" the engine - not "with water"?
You have limited mechanical knowledge?
could be serious thou, i knew a arab bloke who,s enjun was gerrin hot so he filled it up of water to cool it down:eek: :eek: :D
If this guys for real then its a great way of highlighting the fact that we should all 'Know your limits' !:laugh:
What an utter, utter TIT! Ha ha ha ahah ah hahah ahh h eh eh heh eheheheh he h eh h ahahah ahah h ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahh eheheheheheheheheheh h eha haha ha ahah ah hahah ahh h eh eh heh eheheheh he h eh h ahahah ahah h ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahh eheheheheheheheheheh h e ahah ah hahahha ha ahah ah hahah ahh h eh eh heh eheheheh he h eh h ahahah ahah h ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahh eheheheheheheheheheh h e ahh h ehha ha ahah ah hahah ahh h eh eh heh eheheheh he h eh h ahahah ahah h ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahh eheheheheheheheheheh h e eh heh eheheheh he h eh h ahahah ahah h ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahh eheheheheheheheheheh h eehaahaahaa!
Clearly a joke, funny that you all believe him though.

As the other guy said, some dumb american actually DID do this.

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