
Active Member
I appreciate that this may be a strange ask? But i'm on my travels around the UK catching up with family and getting waste veg oil is a bit of a problem! I'm in Scotland just now, Glasgow to be precise and heading to Skye on Sunday, then the Taynuilt (Oban) area on Tuesday, then over to Northallerton on Friday and finally home to Pembrokeshire on Saturday 1st Sept. Is there any members in these sort of areas that can help me find some waste veg oil? I have my filters with me, and a couple of 25 litre drums that are full just now but will be in the tank soon. I can be contacted through here or indeed by mobile on 07837 238698Any assistance appreciated
Thats two of us missing this weekends trial then ! Hope the trip is going well mate and that you aquire some oil.
Failing that asda are doing 15 litres of KTC veg oil for £14 at the moment, not the cheapest but saves you trying to find a wholesalers!
Brian - did you manage to find any in the end ?


I ended up using my uncles Macro card and bought 80 litres. All in I bought £114 of veg oil, which if worked down to the miles done (1841) I averaged 34 to the gallon and the running cost was 16 pence a mile.

Got back home last night, great trip.

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