
New Member
ok so im looking for a freelander.

Got about £2000-£2500

Diesel, 5 door.

Thats all i really know lol, what do people suggest? im 19 years old and want a good car that is resilient and can be taken off road and through the mud!
Don't do it!
Gaylanders are money-pits.
Get a Disco or Defender - they may breakdown occasionally, but parts are cheap as chips.
I reckon it's a good choice. Best advice is take someone who knows vehicles, pref freelander diesels- I think you might be pushing it to find a TD4 in your budget tho'. There is an older diesel model which is much more affordable and I think the interiors stand up better than the modern ones- we've had a few 04 & beyond which have worn paint & scuffs inside where the older ones seems better VFM.

The interior lights seem to be a weakness so check those & other electrics work, don't be afraid to get on your knees to look for oil drips/ spread across the bottom & definately do a test drive- listen/ look for everything off checklists like those on Autotrader. The HPI check (available online) will give you an idea of any unsavoury past- some are cheaper than others so shop around.

There's some good pics of a '98 FL diesel on our site at King 4WD- Quality off & soft roaders have a look to familiarise yourself with whats available & search the Autotrader & similar sites to get bargaining power! Otherwise, you're doing the best thing you can by looking through Landyzone freelander section- best of luck, girl!!
If you're only 19 have you checked not only the price of Gaylander Diesels, but the insurance as well. One of the cheapest cars for a 19 year old to insure is actually a Defender, and for 2 grand you can get a half decent-but-slightly-agricultural one. You could try looking at a Suzuki Vitara mid 90's vintage as well, but again check out insurance prices.

I'm 22 and bought my Freelander 1999 5dr diesel when I was 21.
It did cost me a lot of money to fix it up, money i did not have but now that it is fixed it's just normal maintenance, same as any other car.

As for insurance you'll have to investigate that because it could be very pricey, I'm lucky because I work for an insurance company so I get staff rates :D

I would advise you against buying any Landrover, or any 4x4 for that matter, if you don't have any mechanical skills or know someone that would give you honest advice and help (Like LandyZone :))

I love my Freelander and prefer it to any other car.

So if you got some money to spend to fix it and then to maintain it, go ahead. (There will be something to fix, believe me!!!)
Otherwise you should think twice.
you want a car not a lorry, ignore the luddites and flat earthers and go for it and your outriggers wont collapse and there will be no bi metal corrosion either so they can put that up the superiority valve as well
you want a car not a lorry, ignore the luddites and flat earthers and go for it and your outriggers wont collapse and there will be no bi metal corrosion either so they can put that up the superiority valve as well

Whats rong wiv been BI, yer Homofobic twit. I agree wiv ignoring the luddites If they had thur way we'd all be walking and defenders wud nivva of been invented. As to the flat earth society, You dosn't don't seriously believe the earths shaped like a ball do you?? next you'll be saying gaylanders are cheap to repair.:eek:

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