
Well-Known Member
Can someone please explain to me the crack with the billing show. i understand one part of the show has moved so am i right that the people who have run the off road part of billing are now putting on a bigger show than normal because the old show has moved to kelmarsh.

The people that used to run the Billing off road show, at Billing aquadrome have moved it to Kelmarsh, a new site.
however if you google search billing off road show you will also get the kelmarsh show.

The Farmer who owns the off road course and camping ground has decided to run his own off road show, this show is the following week and is at the Billing site, the main difference is that the Billing aquadrome site is not involved.

I suspect they are going tobe awfully similar. as they are only one week apart.
I believe at Billing you can watch the mud run.

One of the organisers is on here for Billing, you could try and send him a message.

can spectators see any off the off road track action?

Yes- Spectators can be a see different parts of the course including the famous mud run and water sections.

The Billing Off Road Show now has over 70 trade stands, two off road courses, full camping facilities, live entertainment, demonstrations from Challenge South West, local beer and cider tent, club stands and children entertainment.

Would be great to see you all on the 28-30th July 2017

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