Kin chill out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How the feck would you like it if you wuz called Yille an Busterbus was called basterbas an Mondo was called Mindi..........Mindi hah aha ha hah haha haa hah ahha haha ahhah ahah ah ahah ha hah aha hah ahah ha hah ahh ahah a ah ahahah ahha hahah ah hahh aha ha aha ahahahah athats beterer than Grant....MINDI hahahahahah hey MINDI hows Mork doing.
Shut the **** up GRANT

oooOOOO give ower me sides is urtin !
iss me not her :p
Kin right it int kinfunny fookin Grant foooookin Grant. The kin frootloop int back five minutes an shees causin trubble.

I'm sorry Grunt :eek: , every one should know by now that I can't spell! :rolleyes: But I'm sure that you will survive. What has everyone been up to? I heard that there was a meet a few weeks ago, is there another one planned?
Yua ent mossid uwt Ibunynovury cipt fir e teki uvir bod en e glat uf puwircrezy mudireturs bat O wun't bi thi uni tu brong thet surdod miss ap!!!

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