
Active Member
Hi Tony here.

I've often found myself here courtesy of google, and have found lots of great advice. However it seemed dashed unfriendly not to join in , so here I am.
Had a 110 County 12-seater bus for many moons due to my ex-wife's habit of producing twins. A great lumbering thing, prone to breakdowns. The landy was nearly as bad. I've lost all reason and bought a D90 van, so I reckon it's time I joined this wonderful support group.

Oh so you had nothing to do with producing the twins, she did it all without you?
Enjoy the forum!:):):welcome2::welcome2::tea:
Well a bloke who *ahem* said he was a doctor said she laid double-yolked ones? ;)

Thanks for the warm welcome Lisbeth. :)
hello & welcome

got any pictures?

what of,his kids,the lumbering thing or his landy??:D

welcome buy the way Mr Buxton,from one mancunian to another.just as long as you support the mighty reds that is.;):D:D:5breddevil::5breddevil::5breddevil:
Ay up, certainly not be posting pics of the Lumberer, used to keep one above the fireplace to keep the brood away from danger ;) .
Working away today , but will certainly put some pics of the Moneypit/90 tomorrow.
Greetings Gemsdad, don't follow the game as much as I used to, but do have a giggle when the Blues get beat. Not many giggles recently unfortunately....:(
Ay up, certainly not be posting pics of the Lumberer, used to keep one above the fireplace to keep the brood away from danger ;) .
Working away today , but will certainly put some pics of the Moneypit/90 tomorrow.
Greetings Gemsdad, don't follow the game as much as I used to, but do have a giggle when the Blues get beat. Not many giggles recently unfortunately....:(

hiya buxton.

no not many giggles over the football of late i must admit.but now moyes has gone hopefully the good times will return.:flame2::flame2:.so where abouts in this great city are you.:):)
hiya buxton.

no not many giggles over the football of late i must admit.but now moyes has gone hopefully the good times will return.:flame2::flame2:.so where abouts in this great city are you.:):)

Hi Gems, sorry, didn't see this post. I'm in Urmston, just by the Traff. :mad:

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