Hi all. My father Graham (Maurand) was a member here and loved it the community. I'm logged in as him as he passed away recently and I need your help please. One of the things he left us was gap IIDControl tool for his beloved D3. I know he had used it on the car recently and I can see the VIN number stored on the app, but I've been to plug it into the car (with engine running) and the light on the tool isn't coming on, and Bluetooth can't find it either on his pad or on my phone. I have no knowledge of the tool (or cars for that matter) so wonder if I'm making a rookie error here, but from searching online it seems all I had to do was plug it in underneath the wheel and it should come to life, which it isn't doing. Does anyone have any advice please? Thank you. Tim.
Sorry to hear about yer dad.

The car will power the gap when it's plugged in. Try checking the pins on the connector to see if any are bent, stopping them from making contact.

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