Only time will tell if you get busted or not.

This is true.

It's off the main road so I through if I'm passing but I rarely go that way.

I think it's because it's a small beck, the level rises and falls quite quick. So after it's ****ed it down it raises and they put the signs out, then an hour later it's back to normal level but the signs are still there.

I suppose it would be at the discretion of the officer that was there. If the level is back to being 6in deep, and the sign was still there, I doubt they would say anything.

Hypothetically of course.

You never know though.
That is a couple of miles from me - last year they had plastic barriers filled with water and someone took a drill to them so they could be moved which is why they moved to concrete this year.

It is very frustrating as the council closes it at a drop of a hat even when the water is not even high enough to cover the entire road - a couple of cm at best - this causes traffic chaos as it takes them a week to take the barriers down even when the road is completely dry.

It is not only the water over the road surface, it is the road bed that gets water saturated ( turns to mud) that can not carry the traffic load, It takes time for road beds to dry out. People just see it as WTF there is no water there. Think on a 10-20 ton truck driving over a road where barriers have been remove by people that thought no water on road as knowing better. Can cause damage to waterlines, sewer lines , or even under ground electric with shifting soil
It is not only the water over the road surface, it is the road bed that gets water saturated ( turns to mud) that can not carry the traffic load, It takes time for road beds to dry out. People just see it as WTF there is no water there. Think on a 10-20 ton truck driving over a road where barriers have been remove by people that thought no water on road as knowing better. Can cause damage to waterlines, sewer lines , or even under ground electric with shifting soil

Not something I had considered to be honest.
I called theOxfordshire county council highway office today. The advisor spoke with the highway officer responsible for putting out the sign. He confirmed that the signs are advisory. They can be passed at own risk but you MUST drive slowly to avoid creating a wash that might cause problems to residents flood defenses.

Thei morning i took the alternative route - this route was jammed - it took me 70 minutes to do this usual 25 minute journey - this evening went via the flooded road (in first gear at tick over past the houses just to be sure I created little wash on their drives) - journey only took 20 minutes - quicker than normal as no delay on the single lane bridge!
You seem to have been a very responsible driver and community member, being sure to get the situation right and driving carefully when required. Well done.
Tried to pass through the regularly flooded paxton bridge ( Cambs) a few days ago.The hitler ran council had already blocked the road and there where THREE police cars there stopping people trying to drive through. I decided to take a walk over over the raised footpath to see how bad the flood was. I could still see the double yellow lines. It was about 3 inches deep. Could have gone through on a skateboard and not got your feet wet. Later on happened to be in the same area roughly heading towards the bridge and was pulled up by plod. Apparently because I was in a landrover he knew that I was going to try and get through the flood because it's "what you landrover drivers do". No mention of last year when I used the same landrover to rescue some d!*khead bmw driver that tried to get through it at a time when I refused to go through it in the landrover due to the fast flowing water at a depth of a about 2 1/2 ft.

As for passing a road closed sign the police where waiting for people to pass through the flood last year and then pulling them over. Not sure what the outcome was though.
Im pretty sure someone off here got done for it when i first joined. Road closed means the roads closed. No provisos. The roads closed to everyone cept a nice landy with a snorkel is not a road sign ive ever seen. Now im gonna do a search and probbably not find it.
And to save other reading the whole thread, the chap got away without points or anything as the CPS dropped the case.

DAMN! I knew I should have just got up, made a brew, then come back to the PC, but NO! I had to read all 15 pages :mad: :jaw: The LZ judge/jury/executioner is a tough one! :bolt: :D
DAMN! I knew I should have just got up, made a brew, then come back to the PC, but NO! I had to read all 15 pages :mad: :jaw: The LZ judge/jury/executioner is a tough one! :bolt: :D

yes it is. It was when i joined as well. Thes enoobs don't know how easy they have it! :lol:

We need to get Storm and series71 back! :eek:
Quick rule of thumb then? - NEVER ignore the POLICE (blue) ROAD CLOSED signs. Seek advice on the local/highway authority (red) ones...
"Please note that any sign mounted on an A-frame (for ecample "road closed") should be weighted down with a sandbag. Concrete blocks, kerbs or traffic cones are not acceptable."

I had a nice payout when I smashed my car due to all the signs having blown over due to no sandbags
Im pretty sure someone off here got done for it when i first joined. Road closed means the roads closed. No provisos. The roads closed to everyone cept a nice landy with a snorkel is not a road sign ive ever seen. Now im gonna do a search and probbably not find it.

Really? They're all over the place... look....



  • roadclosed_260_tcm4-686641.jpg
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But that one means the road AHEAD is closed, not the one you arte surrently travelling, the triangle is merely a warning of water in your path.

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