Why shouldn't they be able to see your posts?

Just cause you want to ignore them doesn't mean they should be forced to ignore you. Threads wouldn't make any sense for half the members (to an even greater degree than what passes for normal :p)

FFS for a bunch of hardened keyboard warriors there's a helluva lot whining going on

Ignoring should work both ways :p I don't want to see any of that facebook bull**** and I don't want to be stalked by the welsh either :eek:
Ignoring should work both ways :p I don't want to see any of that facebook bull**** and I don't want to be stalked by the welsh either :eek:

Could work I guess. Noobs could be discreetly advised to put you on ignore and you'd never see their tyre questions :D
ignore should work both ways that's 100%

as for stuck in ditches least I own a landrover and use it?

greenlining advice , yeah iv got some ..don't lane alone and be a pillock like me yes !

oh btw 3.5 you were right with cutting that con rod I forgot to say
In fairness since the ignore button was pressed im finding it much more fun to imagine what her responses were from the reply in the following post by someone else :D

Now if everyone could please please stop quoting her posts ......:(

then I can carry on my game. ...in my new world she is an interesting contributor :D
In fairness since the ignore button was pressed im finding it much more fun to imagine what her responses were from the reply in the following post by someone else :D

Now if everyone could please please stop quoting her posts ......:(

then I can carry on my game. ...in my new world she is an interesting contributor :D

shes got under your skin pretty well:)
shes got under your skin pretty well:)

You are absolutely right she did. ...I dislike with a passion people who are in my face incessantly on forums or in real life....I come on here for fun not for constant me me me behaviour. .and I struggle with individuals who won't self reflect .and yes I could just ignore it but I find it hard to do so...hence the fact i use the ignore button...it is helping.
Certainly don't go along with the banning bit at all though ....as bb is right.....ignoring is the solution ( im just not as zen like as he is ...bloody tree hugging, sandle wearing nice guy ) and I find it harder ...tthat's my problem...see self reflection in action :D...
Stop it!!! :mad: I'm choking for a slice of caramel shortcake!

well do it quietly or post your update on farce book
Many times I've swam fully clothed in a pool of blue water surrounded by angry turds
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