Understood, but that sounds like somebody who has far to much time on their hands ;)

I wish. I cannot keep up with everything that needs fixing and every so called professional seems to be some kind of cowboy who doesn't do a proper job, hence I do everything myself. I realise this might be the source of the issue but what do you do when surrounded by ...
Thats the problem I have,I dont trust anyone to do the job properly, so every job ,although I am ok with mechanical `lectric is a mystery and small work is very difficult when your fingers are like sausages and old age stops you bending and crawling to where you need to be.
P38s are not for the feint hearted. Lots of little issues can add up, things that don’t necessarily stop it running, but niggle at you nevertheless
or crap quality depending on your point of view.

How many 25 year old cars do you see out there? I see Vauxhall Omegas and Land Rovers, maybe the odd beamer but not much else of that vintage except at car shows.
I also have a 20 year old Rover 75 2.0 (also on the forum for that) that for the last 5 years when I have flown back to UK and picked it up and driven it to the Pyrenes have loved it. Its not the P38 but it also covers the miles in comfort. Yes last year the water pump went and it cost me more than the car is worth to repair it, but who on here has also spent more than they should on a at the end of the day is a piece of metal? I have two weeks left before I put this beautiful piece of machinery back on a axel stands for about 9 months, the question is, is it fair to the car or is it fair to me not being able to drive it and regulated back to a rover 75 to take through Europe? Next Christmas when I come back to Crimea I already have a shopping list of 2 new rear air bags and a new compressor. I did fit two new fronts just a couple of years ago and did the head gaskets last year on 112000m as not known when done if ever but no dropped liners and my V8 runs so sweet and the power is just awesome. The compressor is fine at the moment just want to pre empt just as I did with the head gaskets last year. I love this car and so enjoy driving it especially in Russia.
Ahh but is that the local climate and a lack of salted roads?
Plenty of salt here in a normal winter. Lots of Renault 11's have survived in a pretty good state, Citroen Visa Vans, 2CV's etc, it seems that occasionally manufacturers make a mistake and build a model that doesn't rot away:rolleyes:
Or they are looked after well as French Indy’s are reluctant to work on anything else.
Lots of small non franchised repair shops over hear that are multi marque, pretty good some of them too. Most will not go near the P38 or any JLR product newer than the Classic or D2
Quite a few over here won’t touch a P38 either, particularly when they see bmw under the bonnet. Some will ‘have a bash’
Finding one that knows Landies is the key.

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