changed mine for a starting pannell and push button start, only need to lock the doors with the key now, bloody dog started it up the other day tho good job not parked in gear.!!
I have a theory that it's for if your in a war zone and are ambushed or attacked it makes difficult for enemy to stop or obtain your vehicle , maybe I just think too much
So LEFT is the side the ignition is on, thanks guys I might remeber that now, had L & R on me wellies but kept putting them on the wrong feet.
Is this the oldest thread revival yet? :)

Its so old some of the contributors were banned LOL

I am sure there is no way this was the intention for the Landy, but left hand ignition switches were installed on the old Le Mens and IIRC some of the old F1 race starts, where the drivers have to stand in a line in front of their cars. When the flag dropped, they had to run to their cars, start them, engage the gear and drive. I either read or saw a documentary, explaining that the left hand switches were installed so that they can start the car and get it into gear the same time, this of course was for the single seater open wheel race cars all of which had the gear stick on the right.

Now how about running to your landy in a le will have to fight the door lock, jump into your landy while hitting your head on the top of the door frame, fight to find the ignition key hole, beg the glow light to go out then with all the might in your left thump, turn the key with great effort..because its hard to, with a puff of black smoke she starts..hopefully by now your left foot would have had a good hard long stroke to depress the clutch pedal and then off to the races you go :eek:)

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