
New Member
Any advice for removing the two security pins which hold the ignition lock assembly in place on a Puma Defender 90 (2015) please? I’ve sourced a replacement including new security pins and want to try the repair myself. Am thinking of using a pin punch to loosen the existing pins? Thanks for any advice.


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Everyone has to have a first post I guess? I’m new to Land Rover Ownership and this is my first fault which I wanted to do myself. The ignition switch wouldn’t turn at all. After a few hours of gentle WD40 assisted persuasion and an RAC recovery to home, the key now works again but it’s not a smooth operation. Replacing the switch assembly seems a sensible move so I asked for advice on the forum. Didn’t expect an outright rebuff.
Hi and welcome!

I don’t think it was a rebuff as such, more a reluctance to give advice on removing one of the security features on a defender to a new member. Nothing personal, just being cautious by the looks of it.
Everyone has to have a first post I guess? I’m new to Land Rover Ownership and this is my first fault which I wanted to do myself. The ignition switch wouldn’t turn at all. After a few hours of gentle WD40 assisted persuasion and an RAC recovery to home, the key now works again but it’s not a smooth operation. Replacing the switch assembly seems a sensible move so I asked for advice on the forum. Didn’t expect an outright rebuff.
I am sure you must know that Defenders get stolen all the time, that is why any security questions as a first post will be looked at with suspicion.
Saying that you would be a pretty poor thief if you can't break an ignition barrel!
Try your punch, it might work, otherwise drill the bolts out.
Or you could try WD40 dry PTFE spray first.
Took mine to a Lock specialist along with V5. I removed trim first and they did job for £70 Quid.
They drilled it out, doesn't take long with correct kit.
Everyone has to have a first post I guess?

Replacing the switch assembly seems a sensible move so I asked for advice on the forum. Didn’t expect an outright rebuff.

They do, typically this is an introduction.

Hi, my names (insert) and i'm near (town).
I have a (make model year) landrover and recently had to get recovered by the RAC because (A B C).

Heres a picture <insert>

Here's my problem, what do you guys suggest ?

Not - "How do I remove these security bolts on the ignition."
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Thanks everyone for your advice. My name really is Nick and I’m living in North Bucks. I have a Puma Defender 90 Hardtop which I bought last December. Enjoying the experience so far despite the ignition barrel problem (WD40 has cured it for now).
Thanks well noted. The WD40 washed out so much muck which I think was causing a lever / spring to stick but good advice to use dry grease.

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