New Member
Just wondered if any body out there has recently purchased a new ignition barrel for a 300 tdi manual.Mine is just beginning to play up and I dont fancy being stranded any time soon.
I dont fancy paying main stealer prices and the wonderful flea bay has drawn a big blank.Any thoughts or ideas gratefully received.
Did mine about a month ago, check my thread You can get one from Paddocks £36 + VAT Quite easy to fit (better check for yourself but I'm 99% sure this is it) . You need to take the cowling off and then knock the heads of te bolts round with a long chisel and a hammer (very carefully so you dont break/scratch anything) If you cant get them off this way (they are a special anti theft bolt where the hex head shears off at a set torque leaving a rounded und which no spanner will fit) The new one comes with new shear bolts. If you cant get them off with na hammer and chisel then you will have to hacksaw them off. Dont throw the old key away cos you will need it for the petrol cap and door locks still.
:confused: Hi There,mine started doing it about six months ago:eek: :eek: :eek: .It was getting to the point that I could hardly get the car started!!!!!!.I put some light oil down the barrel(NOT WD 40) and treated myself to a new key.Guess what ???? after a short time the lock started working again.It now works perfectly:confused:

I bought some graphite lock lubricant for about £3 from a locksmith, it's a dry powder lubricant.
It's effect was so good on my front door that I dusted every lock I own. Including the disco... perfect!
Cheers,guys.thanks for the advice i've already swopped to the spare unused key and touch wood everything seems to be ok.(until were in deepest rural France)


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