the very same !!!!:confused: its not the first p38 to have a replacement motor is it ?? as you can see im not making any secret of it , so if you have nothing else better to do than make stupid remarks , id prefer it if you save your comments for the other d*ckheads who appreciate them cos i DONT !!!!!!!!.
tut tut - tetchy!

no fella i aint techy ,its just that i thought this site was for grown ups :confused: , but sadly every now and then posts tend to get childish , stupid comment added by immature people pretending to be adult , this would be a brilliant site for genuine landrover enthusiasts to share their interest in the marque and share info , if mondo and co wants to play with adults maybe he should grow up first !!!!!..................................END OF !!!!!!!!.
, if mondo and co wants to play with adults maybe he should grow up first !!!!!..................................END OF !!!!!!!!.

Go blow it out yer arse yer miserable ****wit !:mad:

Its called havin a laff and a joke ? Yer know like the LZ motto "One laugh Have it "! And as for the "My Range Rovers 100% reliable" yer talkin ****e in the hope some poor ****ers gunner fall fer it an end up with summat they cant aford t fix or run !

Oh and yer missed the " P " off the front o yer user name!;)
Go blow it out yer arse yer miserable ****wit !:mad:

Its called havin a laff and a joke ? Yer know like the LZ motto "One laugh Have it "! And as for the "My Range Rovers 100% reliable" yer talkin ****e in the hope some poor ****ers gunner fall fer it an end up with summat they cant aford t fix or run !

Oh and yer missed the " P " off the front o yer user name!;)

me a ****wit !!!!!!!!

you sad arse tosser !!!!!!!!! if i ever need any ****e from you , you ****in arsewipe i`ll give ya ****in head a squeeze !!!!!!!.
i can be arsed with knobs like you that are sooooo very tough talking via a keyboard , the only prick here fella is you ya ****in inbreed **** !!!!!!!
Kin nora! :eek:

Oi Rick all you seem to talk about is pricks, knobs and arses. Is there something you want to share with group? :D
OK, this looks like a great thread to post this little nugget!

I have tried to sell my beloved 2002 4.4 HSE on this site, Autotrader and eBay.

They say that timing is everything and, in my case, this must be true because I havn't had as much as a sniff from my Autotrader advert, apart from those parasitic (sp?) agencies. :cool:

Anyhoo, I am willing to let her go for £14K, which is a steal.

I need to cash to fund a new business venture I have started and will be firt in the queue to buy a new one when I've made my first million.

I can't change the asking price on my advert on this site, so if anybody is interested, please take a look and give me a shout.

Ever hopeful.....

i thought this site was for grown ups :confused:

Oooo ha ha ha ha ahah ah ahha hah ahah aha ahh ahah ah heh h eh eh eheh eheh ehheheheh eh h he h eh ee hehheh eheheeh h h ahah ahahah h ah ah h ah ah hoh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh o hoh oh oh o o oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oho ho hoh o oeoeooeoeoeeoeoeoeheh ehehe hehehehh ahah ahahah ahhahahahahah ahahahhahah ahahaa! LZ? Fer growed ups? Whatever next? :rolleyes:
Oh dear I seem to have stumbled into some sort of tizzy betwin Traccta owners and a tosser wiv a rangey. How unusual. :p :rolleyes:

Some people get real upset real qwik dunt they. If only they taken a little time to suss out what the forum is about and how it runs. we cud probelly avoid all dese distressing little dummy spitting occurauncies.

Mind you it always seems to be a RR owner wot expects everything to be done the way they want it doing. FFS if you want a serious Landrover dedicated forum where taking the **** isn't allowed

**** OFF and find one. Because your not going to find it in here.
me a ****wit !!!!!!!

Oh ! Its sinking in then is it Pwick?:p

And who exactly is the Soooo tough talkin one now then eh????

I'll give yer head a squeeze ffs:rolleyes:
Oooooh Yer dooo make me giggle prick071155:D :D :D

Good luck palming off yer dodgy motor !;)
I think you'd be a tad stressed if yer wer tryin t get shot of a P38 while it wer still 100% reliable. :p :p :D ;)

Yoor jest saying that cos yer moving 300 miles away frum him and you know there's no way his RR is gonna make it that far b4 it breaks down. Yu big ruff tuff psycho yu.:D
Here look what I pikied this weekend.




Aye but it's ex mod, had a label on it that said "radio test equipment case" waterproof and solid as fook. Anchor supplies was selling em fer £30, at driffield show & I got mine fer nowt. and it's more interesting than a poxy RR

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