
New Member
My 93 Land Rover seems to have a bit of a knock when I slow down to a stop or just idle along... pulling into the drive way or a parking place.
<p> driving is fine and I have not noticedany power drop or any noise at speed or anything over 5mph.
<p> This is my first Rover .. They are quite expensive in Seattle...nevermond the crazy insurance.
Maintenance has always been done at the LRD.. I am just tired of paying 100$ per hour to tell me I need to use higher octane gas or to spray wd40 in the keyhole to fix a sticking master door lock.
<p> I am really glad I found this site. i have not had a car that the owners comunity was as fun as this...
Thanks for letting me join.

Hello Mukrover Glad you've joined us. Feel free to post any questions as someone else's help will always come in handy plus it's totally " FREE" ...:D Better than paying $100 per hour to get probably much the same answer .


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