
New Member
Quick question, my wife has bought a 04 Freelander and it seems ok with the exception of when you start it and its idling, if you give it a quick hit of gas there seems to be a bit of a sucking sound and a bit of hesistation. Is this normal ? I have checked the air filter and esured no cracks in the rubber to the air housing and all the clamps
is it er doozle ? er petrol ,gas , wot model? ffs i know were good , but we int thet good . . . .could be chroged up . . . . .:D
by gas, do you mean petrol ?

If it's petrol, have you checked the discombobulator ? (check rave CD for location, generally under air filter housing)
by gas, do you mean petrol ?

just a hunch, would you happen to be of american origin ?

oh, and if it's petrol, have you checked the discombobulator ? (check rave CD for location, generally under air filter housing)
the ****s gone. . . .

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