
New Member
Hi chaps hope some one can help. i have a 1997 2.5 bmw diesel. somtime when at idle it runs lumpy, like it is searching or hunting as i have heard it described as. it has only just started happening. when driving its fine, but as the revs drop to 500-900 rpm it goes lumpy, you can feel it when in gear, and just about to pull away, and also when in park. any ideas???
had a look today, there seems to be no air leaks in the intake side, the problem seems to be worse when the revs are up and then are allowed to go back to 600rpm, and from about 1500rpm down to 600rpm it seems a bit lumpy
could be a faulty or blocked injector,try one of the many diesel injector cleaners that are available,i have used them and found them to be good.:)
Hi chaps hope some one can help. i have a 1997 2.5 bmw diesel. somtime when at idle it runs lumpy, like it is searching or hunting as i have heard it described as. it has only just started happening. when driving its fine, but as the revs drop to 500-900 rpm it goes lumpy, you can feel it when in gear, and just about to pull away, and also when in park. any ideas???

Have exact same model- & had same problem:- mai dealer reset idel speed. Apparently this happens with age. There are two additional settings in the engin management system. ie. as system gets older, you have two chances to reset the idel spped. I'm on my first reset. suggest you do the same - and have it reset to next level.

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