
New Member
At the moment the next village to mine is trying to turn a droveway BOAT into a footpath...its a local talking point..I try to put the 4x4 case. Treading lightly etc etc


Today I walk the dog down the drove in our village and find the mid section totally ****ed up by some idiots who have deliberatly got themselves stuck and then have torn the place up towing each other out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have driven this lane in my Series one and my old Range Rover...NO ONE needs to get stuck so badly they need towing out.

So, now everybody's predudicial negative opinions about greenlaners are totally reinforced. I could weep!

Shame I don't know who the brain dead prats were who did this or I would cheerfully punch their lights out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yep unfortunately there is some complete tools around.

For the locals campaigning to get it turned into a footpath there will be a planned change notice(i forget the proper name)and have to be a period where members of the public can object or agree.

If you find the link and post it in here, most people will submit there thoughts to your local council.

I know i will.
Always gonna be pricks around! Few years ago I used to play around on some local scrub land in my series, and some pricks in suzukis decided to do the same, anyway to cut a long story short they were racing around like pricks and hit a dog. Guess what happened no more driving on scrub land even for us who enjoy harmless fun!
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Suzuki drivers are always bellends……….

On the plus side though Discodad and I were very careful yesterday……apart from me who decided to roll a rather large piece of rock down into the ditch so it didn't mess my disco up but in fairness it will make that part of the lane a lot easier from now on as it was what Nick got stuck on and had to reverse off it.

I'm enjoying this new pastime so won't be doing anything to ruin it :) we also made sure we only used the routes designated (Cumbria's actually very organised with plenty of signs)
not too far from me and the local free press got their teeth into it and voiced complaints that the off road groups have cost the local tax payers in excess of 15k in legal fees, not great in these economic times and cries of vehicles should only be on tarmaced roads and horse riders should stay off bridleways as well so walkers can exist in peace

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