
New Member
Hi all, I have a 1987 safari 90 that has had an engine replacement along the way. It's a Landy engine but I don't know if it's a 200tdi or a 300tdi. Is there an easy way to identify one from the other?

turbo hangs downward on all 300s
turbo is up on defender 300s, but i think its down on disco 200s?

surely google image search would sort you out?
ps. people will tell you different, but the 300 is identical on disco and defenders (except for the air filter mount slipped under the head bolts, i guess!)
defender 200 -


defender 300 -


disco 200 is the one youll have to watch out for....
Hi all,
Thanks for the info, as a new member I am surprised how quickly the responses have come in, thank you. I tried the google images first and they show photos of many engines sowing a number of variants.

I am just about to change the cam belt and want to get the right kit before I rip into it. The turbo on mine is under the manifold but is different from the Disco 200 shown, I think i have convinced myself that I have the 200tdi.

Thanks all for your help
Hi all,

I am just about to change the cam belt and want to get the right kit before I rip into it. The turbo on mine is under the manifold but is different from the Disco 200 shown, I think i have convinced myself that I have the 200tdi.

To be sure - i did not post a photo of the disco 200, but the defender 200. The disco and defender 200s are different to one another - the 300s in both are the same,.
Hi Julianf
Ah yes, misread the notes, well I definitely don't have the Defender 200 or the Defender 300 engine. What's the issue with the Disco 200? I have been away from Andy's for about 10-12 years and I recall the early Disco's chucking rods out the engine, is that what your referring to?
I was not referring to any problem with the disco 200, just that it was not the same as the defender 200 - the block / head, so far as im aware are the same, but the ancillaries are mounted different.

Ive never had a 200 though, so im not the one to really ask.

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