
Hi folks - heading for Iceland with the 110 next summer, seems like an age away but sure the time will pass quickly - going to be away for almost 5 weeks as want to get about 2 weeks on iceland and it is going to take us at least a week to get there and will probably have a stop over in the Faroes for a few days on the way up. Plan is to try and camp most of the time using the roof tent and try and keep the cost of accommodation as cheap as possible.

If anyone else has done this trip before would really appreciate any advice/tips. Plan is to go either mid June or early August.

This sounds very interesting!!!

How much are you anticipating the costs to be and mileage etc?
Ferry costs from Denmark to Iceland are going to be around £2k for the return journey once you add cabin and meals etc so not cheap. The North Sea crossing will be another £300 and then all the fuel on top. However we reckon it is still cheaper than flying, car hire and accommodation plus there will be a bit more involved in planning and getting ready for the trip which will add to the experience. Frustrating thing is that it would be so much quicker/easier if we could go straight from somewhere like aberdeen rather than down to Newcastle, cross the North Sea and then have to drive back up thru Holland, Germany and Denmark.

Drive from Amsterdam to ferry terminal in north Denmark is about 600miles - we will probably take 2 days to do this and see a bit of Germany/Denmark en route. Ferry journey is the about 19 hours to the Faroes (going to spend 3 days here) and then another 20 hours up to Iceland.

Next summer cant come quick enough!
Ship the 110 from Harwich to Iceland return for around £1600 in a container, then just fly out there and collect your 110, do your trip, drop off 110 at the port, fly home.
I just come back from Iceland and spent 2 months there with my Range Rover and had a great time BUT the mountain track were closed until the middle of July as there was a bad winter and the snow had not completely melted and when it did you were still not allowed on the track when they were muddy so leave it a late as you can to go .A couple of days in the Faroes are also worth it as you can get to see most of them in that time.
Take at least 2 spare tyres as the lava roads destroy tyres and they cost about twice as much as what you pay for them in the UK
To check the fare prices go into the Smyrll web site some times they have specials but it cost us about 2200 euros for cabin and meals and car .
for a detailed account of our trip go to
This sounds very interesting!!!

How much are you anticipating the costs to be and mileage etc?
We did about 8000 miles in the 2 months we were there and fuel in Iceland was 214.5 ISK a liter look up the exchange rate to get it in pounds or euros
Two weeks is nowhere near enough time to see Iceland and also go latte july if you want the mountain roads open
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