If you want to diagnose a slipping torque converter (and by this I assume you mean that the lock-up clutch is slipping by more than 3% in its controlled slip mode, or possibly when it’s supposed to be fully locked?) then you need to be able to capture live data for the engine speed and turbine speed (and output speed is useful too). I don’t know if your existing diagnostic tool allows you to do this but my Faultmate allowed me to capture .csv files at 1Hz, enabling me to diagnose when my TC lock-up clutch had become worn and required replacement.





Thanks for showing me what information is available from a good quality tool. I will study this along with the transmission manual and try and make sense of what it is saying. First thing I notice is the change form 3rd gear to 4th gear seem longer? But does that depends on the load ( ie possible incline between 3rd and 4th gear). Turbine and engine speed are quite well matched. Not sure about the LUC?
I am really hooked now on this diagnostic tool.
All the best

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