Greenlane liker, bobble hat hater
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I am in charge of a kebab, and i have a train to catch t 9am. this is not going to end well.

Belgian beer is the devil i tell you111
Aw man...a kebab. I haven't had a kebab for nearly 2 years. Never had one sober either so good to see you keep up the tradition...:D
I could go for a kebab about now :) If I'm eating one sober I skip the chilli sauce and pita etc and just get the donna meat and salad in a box with garlic mayo :D
Large mixed grill kebab, no salad, LOADS of garlic and chilli sauce:5bdrool5::5bdrool5::5bdrool5::5bdrool5::5bdrool5::5bdrool5::5bdrool5:

Blurry eck, between this and the fish and chips fred, I Iz feeling hungry:D:D:D:D
dont remember writing this. :lol:

Well im up and dressed, and my bags are packed so i must have been some what concious of my departure.

Au revoir Brussels, hello Birmingham.

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