why do I have a mental picture in my mind of that tellie advert of the tasty bird being taken home, leaving the bloke on the doorstop with a stiffie ;)
and the tasty bird going inside to take off her rubber suit to reveal a grubby old bloke inside sitting on a grubby sofa scratching his nuts......

or is our newest friend part vagina...
Not for anyone here except you.

Where would you want to hear it?
What would you eat, drink, smoke while hearing about it?
What would we do meanwhile?

I would tell you when it's dark.
I would drink rainwater and eat whatever relevant item i can find.
I would smoke and do something.

you're story would be far too interesting to not share it with the world.

I'd like to hear it here.. typed out on the forum for everyone to share.
I'm ok for food thanks. I'll read it after my lunch.
You can be writing it. I can get on with work.

Least you are getting fed.
Smoke and write the story?

looking forward to it, thanks!

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