Bit miserable tonight.
Always get like this when contemplating having to leave here and get back to Blighty but it is worse since that flipping blond idiot meant that we are now forced to get out before the forces of loranorder pounce on us for having overstayed our visa.

And I realise that this is mildly political, for which I apologise. I am now standing in the corner with my head bowed!

Funny story regarding this.
At primary school my bruv was once made to stand in the corner by his teacher Miss Guy. When there he got the overwhelming urge to pea. Having been naughty and sent to the corner he didn't dare ask to leave the room.

Miss Guy used to change her shoes when she got to school and put the other pair.......
in the corner.
So guess where lickle bruv relieved himself???

And he never got into trouble for it. So lord knows how she found out and what she did about it.

My teacher was called Miss Buckle. Funny names now I think of it. The school was The French Convent in Hull. Run by french nuns. The Mother Superior didn't even speak English.
I got expelled and to this day do not know why although I was once told by another particularly fierce nun that my behaviour was "diabolical" which at the age of 7 I didn't understand. They let me back in on probation.

We all know why its cause you were a wee nob-end 🤣
Boat recovery done today 140 tonnes of it :cool: Spent the day out in the work boat & the rib boat zipping about.
Sun was out I really enjoyed my day at work.

Pulled it up out the water with a 1000 tonne winch & 2 work boats pushing it :cool: Loads of people watching too
not without its hicups...............when the chains pulled through the steel :oops::oops: That made some bang when it went.... OOOOOOOPS!!
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Wasn't this one was it?

That seems a shame.
We all know why its cause you were a wee nob-end 🤣
Actooly ROTFLed at that!
Hull is well known for peeps being a wee bit stroppy, "confrontational" we call it.
But I majored in it. Din't do me a lot of good. Could never just keep my gob shut and put up with injustice, mostly towards other peeps. Which is why they wanted me to be union rep. Didn't dare do it.
But yes, the end of my nob might have had a bit to do with it! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Actooly ROTFLed at that!
Hull is well known for peeps being a wee bit stroppy, "confrontational" we call it.
But I majored in it. Din't do me a lot of good. Could never just keep my gob shut and put up with injustice, mostly towards other peeps. Which is why they wanted me to be union rep. Didn't dare do it.
But yes, the end of my nob might have had a bit to do with it! 🤣 🤣 🤣
I couldn't imagine you being anything but quiet and meek

Actooly ROTFLed at that!
Hull is well known for peeps being a wee bit stroppy, "confrontational" we call it.
But I majored in it. Din't do me a lot of good. Could never just keep my gob shut and put up with injustice, mostly towards other peeps. Which is why they wanted me to be union rep. Didn't dare do it.
But yes, the end of my nob might have had a bit to do with it! 🤣 🤣 🤣
🤣🤣🤣 Dirty wee child 🤣🤣

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