Happy lunchtime all.
Sun shining and hot, but not outside working in the garden as the last time I did it it did my back no good at all. Busy writing complex and detailed letters to Frog fonctionnaires fighting for reimbursments of at least some of the monies paid out for drugs etc. TBH they have sent most of it but an expensive prescription for blood thinners that had to be filled in two goes has thrown them. They asked us to send them a copy of the prescription and attached to the letter was a certifed photocopy of ......... the prescription they were asking for!
So long detailed explanations have been called for. I'm bothering cos it is for €174.
Meanwhile I have been assembling and photocopying all the other forms for reimbursement. €55 for me, €160 for W, another€25 for W and yet another €20 for her. This on top of the ones we have already sent in for her. The frogs love their paperwork.
Have a good arvo folks!:):):)

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