...that the Osteopath session was a full hour long and only £50. :)
Half the time was spent talking about the problem(s)/history medical details etc.
The rest was hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues in the areas that hurt.
By oh boy did she find all of the focal points of the pain areas. :D
Quite impressed TBH.
Some years ago eye seen a pic of a police rr. It were parked on the ard shoulder of a motorway. As a motorway vehicle of the late 90's it had a lot of extea red and blue lights. All flashing. Some were 8 inch diameter. Imagine 4 of them flashing on the rear, 2 red 2 blue, plus others. Someone whacked it up the rear. Sometimes peeps dun't see fings as they weren't lookering. Easily done. Yer look at a house as yer drive by. When doing so yer ain't looking forwards.

its not a silver bullet, people still dont see them, like you said, people drive into the back of fully liveried emergency vehicles lit up like a christmas tree.. some dude with a high level brake light has no chance
Back when I was a working person and involved with lots of highway works, the traffic management teams had a big truck for putting out cones and roadworks signs. It was highly visible, loads of distinctive colours and flashing beacons. At the rear end was a massive shock absorbing device in case it got rear ended. Its proper name was the crash cushion. It got hit, a lot. The lads working on it called it the crash magnet ------
Not something you see everyday

That's a rare bus, indeed. But a little toppy in the current market...will be interesting to see what's the final sale price.
Came home after going to the shops & a bite to eat, went to the yard picked up my trailer went to pick up a cement mixer
from a mate, then made some shuttering for the pillars on the garage (decided to beef it up) & put 2 pillars each side & one
in the rear wall. Midges came oot so tools away & went a walk with the pooches. :)
Talking of cancery things, I now have an appt at the dermatology dept for the day after we get back.
It is shrinking so fast I got W to take pictures of it so that I can show them what it looked like in its prime and what it looked like today, just in case it disappears altogether.

Very, very strange. :stars:

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