I'd have to go back too far in the thread to find out what time I was up till but 0200 is common. Us retired types doan ev to ger up so early!!
We gets posh sosses with no gluten in and they have much less fat. Most of it comes out when you cook em, roasted or int air fryer.
But the fat is where the flavour is, often.
(Discovered when doing a tour of a perfume house in Grasse, (Fragonard) that although they often use water or alcohol to extract the essential oils from stuff to make perfumes from they sometimes have to use.......fat!!!!);):D
Is that why fat birds stink of strong perfume?

@h ok footy is the very le@st of my interests in f@ct i h@ve no interest in it.
Yet summat else we have in common.;):)
But when I was at school and we had to play a sport every afternoon, it was footy in the winter term until you were old enough to play rugby. In 1966 I was 11 so us winning the world cup kinda impinged on all of us. Twas rugby from then on so footy passed me by, even though a lot of my mates still watched it.
One day we were in the centre of Bath, twas the FA cup final that afternoon, we got in my mate's Mini to drive to the house to watch the match. The gear lever came out in my mate's hand. I fixed it back in so he could get it into first and he drove up the steep hill to where a mate and I were living so they could watch it. They ran in and put the telly on, I spent the next little while fixing his gear lever back in.
That was the sum total of my interest in footy!:D:D:D
I'd have to go back too far in the thread to find out what time I was up till but 0200 is common. Us retired types doan ev to ger up so early!!
We gets posh sosses with no gluten in and they have much less fat. Most of it comes out when you cook em, roasted or int air fryer.
But the fat is where the flavour is, often.
(Discovered when doing a tour of a perfume house in Grasse, (Fragonard) that although they often use water or alcohol to extract the essential oils from stuff to make perfumes from they sometimes have to use.......fat!!!!);):D

eye like em out the @ir fryer, but they go wrinkly if you dont w@tch em, no one w@nts @ wrinkly wee s@ss@ge :eek:

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