Any of you peeps know anything about the different versions of Loctite? The mud baskets on my trekking poles keep working loose. Plastic thread both sides. I don't want to permanently glue them cos they'll need replacing eventually. Is there a Loctite specifically for plastic?
I can't be too sure as all Loctite has been used on metal threads. only thing i can think of is split washer or a spring washer to tighten it. However I am not saying there isn't a Loctite for your need though
........that the journey back was not particularly fun.:(
the weather all the way was fine.
But I have not fixed the Disco, it is still pulling the stunt of refusing to rev up from a standing start, when hot, even with my foot flat on the floor. (Although it'll rev its nuts off in neutral).:mad: Once it is rolling, it is OK although on the hills there were some alarming whooshing noises coming from either the torque converter or possibly the turbo. :eek: Even though a stall test of the turbo showed to be fine, when done some time ago, no leaks or overheating of ATF, no overheating of engine.
So quite amazed I never got hooted at as I trickled on to a roundabout until suddenly the whole car "woke up" and went charging off.:rolleyes:
Somehow managed to get behind ourselves with all the cr@p we had to do before leaving so only set off at about 9 a.m. on the Thursday.
This was then compounded by a rather alarming sway developing with the trailer at speeds of over 65-70 mph. Despite the fact that I'd pulled the Pluriel even further forward on the trailer than I had on the way down. Think this may be due to the fact the Pluriel itself had more of a load inside as did the back of the Disco.
So I had the choice, drive more slowly or stop and move the Pluriel even further forward. We decided on the former.
So rang the hotel to say we'd be a bit late.
And when we got there the car park was inevitably fuller than we'd have liked.:rolleyes: Pulling a 180 with the rig proved impossible, so I couldn't park where I wanted to, near the rather narrow entrance, facing the way out. so had to reverse into one space, unhitch, then park the Disco in a slot opposite. The only place I could do this was near the entrance gate, so I was dreading having to hitch up the following morning then feck about trying to get out of the gate with other guests hollerin at me for gettin in their way.
However, managed to hitch up quickly, pull forward into a space conveniently left by a lorry that had parked across about 5 spaces, then reverse out of the gate. Bothering no one.
So set off on the last part of the drive to the port. No sooner on the autoroute than one of the dogs became distressed, wailing and crying and trying to get out, gently but worryingly. :(First "aire" we came to was feckin closed, typical, so had to drive quite a few miles further on before finding another we could pull off into. All the time worrying about what was wrong with her, would she need to go to a vet etc etc.
So pulled in, clipped a lead on her and took her out. Bless her, she had the runs and just didn't want to embarrass herself in the car! So big relief all round. :)
Ferry was uneventful but the drive home was a pain with roadworks, a vehicle fire, and other sh!t that goes with a smart motorway, plus the surface was noticeably more sh!t than frog autoroutes so tendency to sway was worse.:rolleyes:
Turned the gas on at the mains, then at the boiler, couldn't get the pilot to ignite. so off to bed with Wifey grizzling about how "freezing" she was, (stat said it was 18 degs FFS!)
So this a.m. both vehicles to unload and boiler to be fixed. So I intermingled sweating doing the heavy lifting with taking the front of the boiler off, making sure the pilot jet was clear, finally getting it to burn strongly, making up a new connector and lead to the ignitor which gave up the ghost in the process of me taking stuff off and putting it back on. The poor old thing is 40 years old.
So got it running, happy, put it all back together, Wifey happy, finished off the unloading and putting away of stuff, started on dinner then, OH feck, the pilot is out and won't reignite. Sod it!:mad::mad::mad: Still at least it managed to warm the house up before packing in.:rolleyes:
Thank God it isn't really cold. ;)
Tomorrow is another day!
Sleep well all:):):):)

So good trip then;):p:D.

Welcome ome:).

So, took the covers off the boiler again.
Found out why the igniter wasn't working, will eventually be a simple-ish fix.
But meanwhile put the inner cover back on once the pilot was lit again and left it to warm the house up.
On "low".
Which it did.
Until a minute ago.
The house came up to temp, the stat clicked the pump and boiler off.
and the feckin pilot is out AGAIN!:mad::mad::mad:
Will now wait till it cools down then change the thermocouple, though this is odd behaviour for one of those, which in my experience either packs up or it doesn't.
Just thort, there is a stat that I can short out to see if it is that. Halfway along the thermo couple.
I'll do that first!
What a pain the whole thing is.:mad::mad::mad:
The "soup fer dinner" I understood. :D
Eye has got hold ov an old phooter thats had its hard drive wiped. Nowt left onnit and file system destroyed. Eye know the origional win 7 license number so eye has put win 7 back onnit. Normally yer do this wiv the manufacturers disc which was supplied new, assits an oem machine license. But eye int gottid said disc so eye has used a normal version ov win 7 inna ISO file image. When loading me phooter yer has ter 'boot' oft the disc to 'run' the install program. To be able to do this the disc must be 'bootable'. Bit like the files on the hard disc allowing yer to boot oft that when yer switch yer phooter on. I fort the copy of win 7 eye was using was a bootable version so eye just copied the files from the ISO disc image to me usb memory fing and tried it. But it wouldn't boot and run when eye tried it. So eye used some free software oft the web called 'rufus' to do this. Rufus copied the files from me ISO win 7 image and fettled wiv em to make me phooter boot oft the memory fing and install win 7 from it.
Any of you peeps know anything about the different versions of Loctite? The mud baskets on my trekking poles keep working loose. Plastic thread both sides. I don't want to permanently glue them cos they'll need replacing eventually. Is there a Loctite specifically for plastic?

Any thread lock could be an issue iffn you ask me, its making the bugger let go again the the problem. Stuff we use needs a blow torch.
Couple turns of PTFE tape?
Or maybe cross drill with an R clip or split pin?
The prep for the changeout of all radiator valves is all done. :)
Flow-side determined for each radiator. :)
System and all radiators drained. :)
CH system is powered off. :)
Rads all capped off at the lock-shields for transport through the house and outside. :)
"Flushing Area" prepared outside to flush all the rads out. :)
New Magnetic filter ready for installation. :)

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