Ah fantastic I know them well we have a couple of buildings down Westbourne (the old ymca building and a block on Victoria Ave and Salisbury Street!
I walk down Falmouth Street every other day, just off Cottingham Road near the Uni , the yellow brick houses :)
I imagine it pretty much looks the same as when you let saw it, just a few new double glazed windows and doors lol

Errm, apropos of... o_O
Ah fantastic I know them well we have a couple of buildings down Westbourne (the old ymca building and a block on Victoria Ave and Salisbury Street!
I walk down Falmouth Street every other day, just off Cottingham Road near the Uni , the yellow brick houses :)
I imagine it pretty much looks the same as when you let saw it, just a few new double glazed windows and doors lol
Last time I saw it it looked pretty sad compared to when my gramps lived there. It seems to be close to a ring road type thing that never existed when I knew it.
He was a regular in the Gardener's Arms.
One of my Grand daughters went to the uni and her last rented place was right opposite the end of Falmouth Street as you say on the Cottingham road.
She jacked it in after she got attacked at 8:30 a.m. on her way into uni.
Long story, it wasn't the first time she had been attacked.
My bro drove buses all the time he was there until fairly recently when he became disabled and had to go and work on a supermarket checkout. He's retired now, poor health etc.
Despite the place's poor rep around the country I still find the place one of the friendliest places I know.
The old Gardners Arms is still going strong I'm glad to report. I used to live in Bilton and now Kingswood (they would have been farmers fields when you was here lol)
Ah sorry to hear that about your grand daughter we deal in a lot of student property around the area and unfortunately that has been a recent occurrence sadly.
Hull has a bad rap but it has certainly come along way since the 90s a lot more investment etc around the marina area and city centre and as you say generally a open arms welcoming sort of place.
I was born on Westbourne Ave but my parents moved to Victoria Ave soon after. So I lived there from 1955 to 1963. Went to the French Convent as a primary school. (Long since defunct) Cave Street. Grand parents lived in Falmouth Street and Tennyson Ave and my great grandfather opened one of the first garages in Hull. And he had a Stanley Steamer, hence my handle!
We all left in 63 but my brother moved back about 40 years ago and has lived there ever since.
I spent a little time in Hull when I was sent up there to install an IBM 3750 telephone system at "Fenners" (the fan belt/conveyer-belt/every-type-of-belt) factory.
My memories of it are that it was bleak, the pub was empty and the bar-staff sullen, and the food was awful. Other than that, it was great. ;)
The old Gardners Arms is still going strong I'm glad to report. I used to live in Bilton and now Kingswood (they would have been farmers fields when you was here lol)
Ah sorry to hear that about your grand daughter we deal in a lot of student property around the area and unfortunately that has been a recent occurrence sadly.
Hull has a bad rap but it has certainly come along way since the 90s a lot more investment etc around the marina area and city centre and as you say generally a open arms welcoming sort of place.
Whenever I go back my Hull accent that I had as a kid comes back.
My Ma was too posh to be a parent so she farmed me out to a lovely trawlerman's wife for the first 2 or 3 years of my existence. Obvs she had a right Hessle Road accent. So that was how I spoke until ma sent me to posh school.
I love the Hull accent, distinct from the general East coast accent but I fear it may well be dying out as are so many.
Just ask someone to say the word "road", you can tell!
My bro used to tell some interesting stories about driving to the Bransholme estate, with peeps setting fire to his bus as he drove it.
But, as so many bus drivers will tell you, nothing is worse than taking school kids in or out!
As I said, granddaughter loved it there and she also said how friendly the people were, but she got attacked more than once and finally stabbed in a jail when doing her first course (mental health nursing)and was not properly supported by the peeps in charge of her then, after she had changed courses, the final attack which was thought to possibly have been by the same lot who threw the girl's body in the Humber, put the icing on the cake.
OOOhhhh Nooooooooo merrrr roooaaaddd weerrrkkksss lol you can't beat a Hull accent - my wife is from Sheffield and hates it lol , my mum and dad were from Hessle Road both from a trawler background , think it was Liverpool Street were they lived.
Ha sounds like when I was young hanging out the fire escape window on the school bus lol
Yeh that was a very sad point in Hulls timeline, I pass that piece of road everyday where the young girl went missing, bless her.
Hopefully people will see the decency in Hulls true people still.
I tided up my tools the other day they were all over the place, so I went round everywhere an chucked
them in the landy 4 hours later all done put away back in the shed at home only got one 10mm snap on
spanner to find. It will turn up eventually.:)
Are you good at Pelmanism?
I am!
Which used to fuck off my boss and others at work cos for a long time my desk was a total sh!tshow but I always knew where everything was.
They got a shock when in my last year I tidied it up and kept it tidy for months.
My garage is the same. And Wifey is always amazed that I find stuff in the mess, just like that. Not proud or nuffin. It is just that my mind knows where everything is although physically total disorder seems to be the rule.
But I do get fucked off if anyone moves my stuff cos then I really don't know where it is!
What makes me larf is when Wifey loses something and I find it for her in a few minutes. Happens time and time again.
I try to tell her, the secret is LOOK at it when you put it down, then you'll remember where you put it!;)
Anyway Kev, did you have a nice nite larst nite!:):):)???
Hope you had a nice evening last night!:):):)

Pffff where do I start lol Restaurant overbooked, went to somewhere else 1/2 hour to get drinks & the
place wasnt too busy got drinks after the doosi waitress decided to throw them all over her haha
food order in or so we thought errr nope.... nob waiter this time didnt confirm the order with the kitchen
no time to wait after another 40 mins :mad: so we all got free drinks. The comedy acts were really good
I had a great time apart from loosing my phone ffs :mad: After getting the misses to call everywhere
and getting them to look, a chap who was cleaning the train found it and called the misses phone
so its in a safe place and I shall go and pick it up. :D:D I will give the lad something for being so kind
at least I didnt have a lock on it. My new bank card was in it too. o_O

Great time thanks for asking :D
Are you good at Pelmeni's?
I am!
Which used to fuck off my boss and others at work cos for a long time my desk was a total sh!tshow but I always knew where everything was.
They got a shock when in my last year I tidied it up and kept it tidy for months.
My garage is the same. And Wifey is always amazed that I find stuff in the mess, just like that. Not proud or nuffin. It is just that my mind knows where everything is although physically total disorder seems to be the rule.
But I do get fucked off if anyone moves my stuff cos then I really don't know where it is!
What makes me larf is when Wifey loses something and I find it for her in a few minutes. Happens time and time again.
I try to tell her, the secret is LOOK at it when you put it down, then you'll remember where you put it!;)
Anyway Kev, did you have a nice nite larst nite!:):):)???

Are you good at Pelmeni's Errrrr nope :oops:
Morning all :D
Well 5k has arrived, on time and in budget :rolleyes:
Being retired is great but I miss the pressure of deadlines and project milestones. Setting such things and hitting them for fun is as close as I want to be in truth though.
Thank you all for your support and banter in reaching this goal, it is much appreciated :cool:
Here's to to 10k......... December 2022 :eek:

Yes the dog has been walked and no I wasn't lurking, I shut it down so I would't be tempted :p
Have a great day!

5000 posts of complete drivel welcome to the drivelling club :D:D
Pffff where do I start lol Restaurant overbooked, went to somewhere else 1/2 hour to get drinks & the
place wasnt too busy got drinks after the doosi waitress decided to throw them all over her haha
food order in or so we thought errr nope.... nob waiter this time didnt confirm the order with the kitchen
no time to wait after another 40 mins :mad: so we all got free drinks. The comedy acts were really good
I had a great time apart from loosing my phone ffs :mad: After getting the misses to call everywhere
and getting them to look, a chap who was cleaning the train found it and called the misses phone
so its in a safe place and I shall go and pick it up. :D:D I will give the lad something for being so kind
at least I didnt have a lock on it. My new bank card was in it too. o_O

Great time thanks for asking :D
don't sound like such a brill evening!
But you said it was a great time!
good, lesson learned!
Next time i want a great time i'll lose my phone!!!:eek:
did you actually get to eat in the end or did you just simply eat the waiter?;)

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