When we were in Scottyland a coupla years back we actually saw real signs meaning "No drink" leading onto some side roads.
Never seen them anywhere else.
Wish we had photographed them.
Nothing to do with "Don't drink and drive" just simply "No drink" i.e. "to be taken down this road", somewhere northwest of Loch Lomond.

They used to on private roads ect now we got these..
Oh dear!
Despite me telling the boys to order stuff ahead of time and store it on-site so that there would be no hold-ups; it now transpires that all the plentiful cement we saw last week is ALL GONE and they have none with which to lay the patio. :oops:
Why don't they ever listen? LOL :p
Probably because they didn't have the cash and they knew the Bank of Dad was getting a bit difficult.
The sky is heavy with cloud with just an odd break through which a watery sun is making a weak attempt to show its face. Looking on the bright side, it is not raining although I'm sure that won't be long before it is activated.
The wee dog got up extra early today - making up for his over-sleep yesterday me thinks - and he is now outside enjoying a little kip.
Lots of 'bits' to do today so it looks as if I am going to be fully occupied.
Enjoy your day, folks. :)
Morning All :D
Been awake in my pit since 5-ish :( Couldn't stand it just lying there so here I am.
Got the Lurgy since yesterday. Feel really shabby.
Will go get her paper in a while, they don't open till 07:30.
Rained overnight, so wet outside. Condensation in the mini-barn from the drying plaster, so wet inside there too! :)
Cool and not so bright today.
Have a great day everyone.:D

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