Went to have a gander at the Queen Elisabeth aircraft carrier today fookin masoove :cool:took a drive
by vid but no pics yet I'll go back over an get some for yez :):)

Our high street runs East / West, the open end to Potsmuff. She fills the frame that forms completely, well impressive.

Radio this morning, Navy on Twitter, summink along the lines of...
"Concurrent with the visit of Queen Elizabeth, there will be a no fly zone of 3 nautical miles radius an a minimum ceiling of 6,000 feet."
Female respondent...
'What does the Queen think she's doing visiting Scotland, what with the lockdown an all that?! Can I visit Aberdeen, or Cheltenham?! '
"Depends if you are a 65,000 tonne warship madam"

Har dee har har har :D
Our high street runs East / West, the open end to Potsmuff. She fills the frame that forms completely, well impressive.

Radio this morning, Navy on Twitter, summink along the lines of...
"Concurrent with the visit of Queen Elizabeth, there will be a no fly zone of 3 nautical miles radius an a minimum ceiling of 6,000 feet."
Female respondent...
'What does the Queen think she's doing visiting Scotland, what with the lockdown an all that?! Can I visit Aberdeen, or Cheltenham?! '
"Depends if you are a 65,000 tonne warship madam"

Har dee har har har :D

Haha very good..
She's a fair weight alright I knocked back a job building the new Pier for it here.
Oh youve just noticed lol :D

In old money they are 12"x12" cant remember if there are 10 or 15 in a box.
The lad that delivered them nearly broke my back as he nearly put the pallet
off the tail lift but I stopped it.:mad: Then we had to hand ball the lot as it was like
the leaning tower of pizza no not Pisa.....
Nice pic!
There is no doubt tiles are effin heavy when in boxes.

So enough to nearly retile 3/4 of our 40 sq metre lounge diner in frogland. At 10 to a box. Yep that is quite a few!
I ripped all of our CD's to MP3's and used a programme to do the donkey-work.
It was for my home made digital juke-box with touch-screen.
If anybody wants it.... I also have a file of the All time top 500 songs, and most of the top 500 Albums.
Send me a giggy-stick and I can fill it for you. :)
That must have been fun!
What did you do with the old CDs?
(Always wanted an old skool juke box, my rich cousin has one!:mad:
They are sooooo ffin expensive. AND you have to have all the old singles.:rolleyes:

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