There's an ad keeps coming up on the telly where for a small monthly donation you can adopt a jaguar. I want them to send me an E-Type, but SWMBO won't let me near her credit card :(.

Don't believe those ads, they are all a scam. I saw one that said they could provide pure, clean drinking water for just £2 a month which is much cheaper than my current provider but when I tried to sign up they told me I would have to move to Africa
morning. Wondering why I have police all around my lorry & the lay-by.?
Some ones been a naughty boy....

So found out someone had stole a lorry & it’s contents. Parked in the lay by thinking all will be fine until 4 cop cars swooped & smashed the windows so he would not drive off. 1 arrested & lorry recovered 3 hrs later.

So excitement over & sausage sarnies collected

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