Eye gotter free pack of plug timers fer timing me plugged int fings. Eye gottid meself a dinner set of plates. And some mugs. Eye got lot of mugs ut wurk but yer can't fill ger colleagues wiv tea. Tall fromt argos. Me vulture wurked. 25 sovs. Ur present fromt wirk fer being er gud lil nippo.
Ah feller sheep int chair wotchin telly. Muppets skipping payment ont bus un tube drains. Tall er bit fishy. They pay with oystars. Yerd fink londuners wudda ised money like the developed parts of hingland.
I fink I ave treble pneumonia, or I'm gonna get it.

Sister and her boyfriend got her civic stuck in the floods.
Had to wade through deep water to get to her, as her let's face it, cockwomble of a boyfriend had hit this flood at 60mph on a narrow country road. ****.

Anyway he ****ed off.

So I had to drag her out of the car and basically carry her to dry tarmac.


Ruined jeans
Ruined shirt as I had to crawl over the car.
Ruined shoes.

All done in the ****ing rain at 10pm temp was around 3 degrees and to add insult to injury I had to drag the thing to dry ground, which involved me crawling around in deep water to find the tow hoop lol
All done now

Ugh I need a drink.
I fink I ave treble pneumonia, or I'm gonna get it.

Sister and her boyfriend got her civic stuck in the floods.
Had to wade through deep water to get to her, as her let's face it, cockwomble of a boyfriend had hit this flood at 60mph on a narrow country road. ****.

Anyway he ****ed off.

So I had to drag her out of the car and basically carry her to dry tarmac.


Ruined jeans
Ruined shirt as I had to crawl over the car.
Ruined shoes.

All done in the ****ing rain at 10pm temp was around 3 degrees and to add insult to injury I had to drag the thing to dry ground, which involved me crawling around in deep water to find the tow hoop lol
All done now

Ugh I need a drink.
If yer had a freelander yer cud of floated across, attached a rope an floated ter dry land then pulled it oot.

Tis gud ter know yer all safe. Hitting water at that speed is scary.
If yer had a freelander yer cud of floated across, attached a rope an floated ter dry land then pulled it oot.

Tis gud ter know yer all safe. Hitting water at that speed is scary.

Aye all safe Hippo, thanks. ;)

My D2 would of made it but a 25ft rope worked well lol

It wiped the civics grill out!

They shyted themselves apparently, not surprised!

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