Us boys be up an doin. Eggses bin et, washin be int washeniser, shopping lust be made an coffee brewin. Us be ready for ort wot comes terday. Us be hoping us frens here be well an happy, tis weekend simly.
Gid moanin, anna nappi Satdi
Eyes bin awokeded sins fife ot klok, bert me puter as jest wokeded urp!
Eye ate orl vis lektronikerylektrikery sturff!!
Snor reignin ear ant sons art hannits kwite warrum fert thyme uf dai.
Mitebi spannerin layter hon, riplasin ha trak roddi hend, bert honeli iffy canbi arsid.
Avva guddun worr heiffer yerzizadoinof turdi.
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