Diy shops dun't seem to want to sell bird baths these days. Plenty of human baths but ah dun't onet one er thems. So eye as bin looking on web. T'wood seem yer ideal bird bath be 20 inch high oft floor to make birds feel appier. So eye has come up with said options:

We like thisun but tis outter stock sold out. Eye think it wood av bin deep enough fer birds to be apply ter bath: (more pic's of others ter follow)

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Un there be thisun which is int style of chopped tree log be it cement int stead. Bit low ter ground but lifterble ont blocks to make higher un birds more apply:

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Un thisun but might be er bit deep fer littleun birds. Lower ter ground so be int needer brick magic ter higher lift.

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Ere, wot bird bath does yer like the bestest from thems above?
1, 2, 3, 4 or 5
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Be that the furrin coozene us av heard uv? You be a man oo laffs in the face uv danger an be no stranger ter noo misstearius culchers. Us ev always admired ee fer that.
Tis furrun fer now but be 29th ur match it be engerlish theron when world gets different while dark.

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