This fred is fer fenderers and other types of tratterers!
Not chuffer-drivved Rangies!
Good night!!!
This fred is fer fenderers and other types of tratterers!
Not chuffer-drivved Rangies!
Good night!!!

See I thought this thread was for Freelander ers to give them an excuse to mix with the proper Land Rover owners. I suppose the Range Rover owners might feel the same.
Who's the range rover owner old giffer??
Absolutely, and certainly NOT ME my good fellow!!
One doesn't even allow the distaff to enter me fender baht specific permission!
Harivver, methinks the the Hippypottymight be hankering after one, as his gaylanderer is at sbout that 'falling-to-bits' age :p:cool:
Absolutely, and certainly NOT ME my good fellow!!
One doesn't even allow the distaff to enter me fender baht specific permission!
Harivver, methinks the the Hippypottymight be hankering after one, as his gaylanderer is at sbout that 'falling-to-bits' age :p:cool:
Do you need your medication changing or summat?
Bit early to be on the grog...
My dear chap.
There is a huge difference between Pusser's Finest and the rough, medicinal stuff distilled by those heathen cat murderers from north of the border!!
... And JFYI, I never touch a drop until the boarder has raised a son over the back yard!
Ann I is not as nissed as a pewt!! It's fart twirley!! :p:p
Absolutely, and certainly NOT ME my good fellow!!
One doesn't even allow the distaff to enter me fender baht specific permission!
Harivver, methinks the the Hippypottymight be hankering after one, as his gaylanderer is at sbout that 'falling-to-bits' age :p:cool:
It int falling to bit's. It's may be considered old but it's had a massive restoration and is now as good as new :p
Big hammer, little hammer, red hammer, yellow hammer, big hammer, little hammer, red hammer, yellow hammer, shifter ... Job done! :D:D
Restoring a Freelander to it's former youth is done so with style and fineness. Whacking it with ammer int the way to go. Yer need to care for it and pay attention to the finer detail. Ammering the till it's half dead int the way to do it.
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In a world full of pain and anger (bit like anything goes at the moment) this ere fred offers a haven of peace and tranquillity to all. No matter what yer drive even if it's a slitty. Anyone and everyone is welcome in ere to relax and enjoy a rest.

Puts feet up and falls asleep int chair.
In a world full of pain and anger (bit like anything goes at the moment) this ere fred offers a haven of peace and tranquillity to all. No matter what yer drive even if it's a slitty. Anyone and everyone is welcome in ere to relax and enjoy a rest.

Puts feet up and falls asleep int chair.
Ye bin on da wiksy? ;)

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