Freelanders rule :)
This would be one parked in your part of the world...

Morning all.
The Hippy potty mouse can only dream that one day he might become a fully fledged and respectable Tratterer! ;);)
u been hiding in here again , lol

don't let the tractors catch yer :eek::eek:
I own the place. I took over in ere 3 years ago. This is the second Freelander section now. I only let the tratterers in ere fer amusement.

What you doing in ere? Looking fer welding tips? :p :D
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I is an honorary tratterer. That's more than enough fer me. I likes me creature comforts. Heating, seats... :p :D

Milk crate with a sack on en is fine! ;):)

We likes yer being in here cos it keeps the place warm! Tratters are so reliable it dont get much trade! :)

All out driving and enjoying their solid, functional vehicles :cool:
I has had steak and kidney pie with chips and mushy peas fer me tea. And a custard cream after. :)

Had to go sorting office, pick up a parcel that the retard postman didnt deliver.

Got meself some fish and chips. Very nice, out of tourist season they are quiet! :)

Followed by 2 bottles of Ringwood Old Thumper. Now thinking about another! :cool:

I can confirm they int never felled off. I has filmed it in the car wash and put the video up as proof. :p

Not convinced, amazing what they can do with photoshop these days! ;)

Not even gone a bit loose, not ashamed to admit mine have!:D

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