Eye beer wake. Ah wur wotchin me burds yesterday. Male un female back burd takin turns ter eated meal wurms. Male spotted em fust then went under me bobbins bush ter ide. Then went back fer more then flowed oft. Female then came oot bush ter eated wurms. Male flowed ter fence ut bottum er garden wotchin. Then flowed high tup ter tree brance. Then flowed darn ter annoy said female. They fluttered tergeffer tup un darn fytin. Only erbout 2 foot eye. Int end male walked oft but later came back ferra nuvva go when female went back fer wurms. Eye fink they be lovers but not whennit cums ter wurms. Female be not lukkin big un pregnut. Male could beer jaffa.
Good Morning Landy-Land :D
Not a bad day today weather-wise.
I have 2 G-Kids today. 1 all day from 09:45 and the other from school chuck-out time.
I feel like I have been given a good drubbing after my gym session yesterday (which isn't a bad thing as it means muscles are in repair-mode) All is good.

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