I've been playing with my milling machine, tramming in the vice ready for some precision work tomorrow :p
Have seen this and thought would share :



From Emma Hayward;
Tuesday morning I was involved in an awful accident involving 7 cars on the A6 bypass..
My car was crushed between two vans & another car.. Fearing it was about to go up in flames, I was pulled out of my car by an angel who I only know as ‘Hayley’..
I was also helped by an amazing man named David, who stopped my hysterical crying, stopped me trying to get away in my panic, sat me down, held my shaking hands, told me I was going to be ok & that ambulances were on there way, retrieved my shoe which had been pulled off in the accident, recovered my handbag & my fone from the wreck & kept me calm while the paramedics treated me.

The only paramedics name I know is Bev Johnson. I just want to say thank you...all of u...I can’t thank you enough. The police, the fire crews, the paramedics - especially Bev & ‘Chris’ (if u could please thank Chris from me Bev...he was fantastic...& the only person who’s ever got a cannula in my ridiculous veins first time let alone on in the middle of a road with carnage all around him ) On behalf of all those involved - thank u

Somehow I walked away from this accident with jst severe bruising to my back/neck, head & leg... a burn from the airbag & another from my seatbelt & two broken teeth.. But I’m alive - & thankfully so is everyone else who was unfortunate enough to be caught up in it.. To the man driving the van that caused this - & just to clarify it is NOT shown in the photo..that is the van that he hit with such force it was pushed up & over me..his van had already been removed - whatever u were doing...u were not paying attention..

Whether it was a phone..the radio..a satnav..I expect time will tell.. But to plough into us at the speed u did - when we were all stationary - is just unfathomable. U nearly stripped my children of their mum yesterday... U nearly stripped my parents of their daughter..& uv left me with a head full of images & sounds I will never forget...

Please all...please...drive with your attention on the road like your life depends on it...because it quite literally does.. If anyone knows who the two angels are: David from Northamptonshire..in a small white van..or ‘Hayley’ in a Range Rover..pls put us in touch..I would love to thank them directly.. There but for the grace of god....someone was watching over me ...
Am tup daytin me fone
I had a lucky find this week, was moving stuff around in me bedroom, cleaning and getting ready for the paint brush. There was a lotter old boxes on top of the wardrobe an I asked SWMBO ( politely) if she would check them over and bin the surplus to requirements. There was an almost new smartphone in its box - she had upgraded a couple of years ago and forgot about it. I have always relied on family members to donate their old phones to me and that way I have kept a payg sim in use for the last 16 years. But now I will have to get a noo sim cos they are different size now :(. Anyway, I have got tinter web onnit and I can listen to the radio too ( but need some gaffer tape as the ear plugs keep falling out of me lugs). And me stubby fingers are not yet educated to their new job and I have taken loads of photos of the ceiling, carpet, bits of dog and anything else not aimed at. I'm nearly a 21st century dude :p.

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